Seductively: Playing for Hearts Book 2 (Crimson Romance)

Seductively: Playing for Hearts Book 2 (Crimson Romance) by Debra Kayn Page B

Book: Seductively: Playing for Hearts Book 2 (Crimson Romance) by Debra Kayn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Kayn
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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stood and separated the woman from her pretend boyfriend. “Let’s get something straight. That’s my man. Hands off, or things will get ugly real fast, chica. Got it? Oh, and before you leave, you might want to spread the news to everyone. I’m in a bad mood tonight, and it isn’t going to take much for me to go crazy on someone interrupting my night.”
    The woman frowned. “I’ll be back.”
    “I’ll be ready.” She hitched up her dress, and remained standing while the woman left.
    When it was safe to let down her guard, she returned to the table. Dominic stared. She shrugged self-consciously.
    “Don’t get any wild ideas that my rushing to your defense meant anything.” She glanced at him below her lashes. “This is all an act. I kind of got caught up in playing the badass.”
    “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispered.
    She laughed, relaxing. Hot or not, it was fun to pretend she was tougher than she normally was.
    To be on the safe side, she slipped his jacket back on. Then she double checked her dress and exhaled in relief when she stayed covered. If she had to use her muscles to get rid of the waitress when she returned, she’d be ready.
    The song changed below them. She turned and leaned over the railing. The atmosphere infectious, she danced in her seat enjoying the music.
    “Do you want to dance?”
    She shook her head. “Not yet, unless you want to go down there with everyone.”
    “I’m good.” He pointed. “See the guy in the black shirt next to the blonde with the dark blue dress?”
    Next to the bar, she spotted the couple. He had his arm around the woman and she hung on to him as if she’d had too many drinks. “I see them.”
    “That’s Craig Fresnick. Our goalie.” Dominic scooted his chair closer to the railing.
    “His girlfriend’s pretty.”
    He chuckled. “It’s not his girlfriend.”
    Growing up in Cottage Grove with Grayson, and him being a former Wimbledon champion, she should’ve known that. He’d paraded models and movie stars around everywhere before Shauna came back to town. She glanced at Dominic. He watched the couple with an unreadable expression.
    Why did it bother her to think in two weeks when she went back to real life, Dominic would be down there with his arm around any female he wanted? He had his pick of choices, any one of them more beautiful than the next.
    Movement caught her eye and she turned. At least a dozen women followed the waitress into their private room. They surrounded Dominic before she could prepare for what was guaranteed to come.
    “Hey, back off.” She stood, glad for the jacket making her look bigger.
    They ignored her. Dominic closed his eyes briefly and held his hands in front of him. She pushed her way around the table and grabbed arms, yanking the women away. Stickier than rubber glue, they only wiggled their way back between her and Dominic.
    They were outnumbered. She planted her hands on her hips, staring between the bodies at Dominic, who now stood pressed against the railing. This was crazy. She had to do something.
    She stuck two fingers in her mouth and blew. Her whistle would deafen anyone in a five-foot radius. Every head turned her way. Using a woman’s shoulder for balance, she stepped up onto Dominic’s vacant chair.
    “Back. Off. Now.” She glared at the crowd, while pointing at Dominic. “He’s mine.”
    The women glanced between her and back to their eye candy. She whistled again, grabbing their attention. “Out, before I pull those pretty hair extensions and get you all thrown out of here. Trust me, girls. You do not want me to go there.”
    Slowly, the women shuffled away from Dom and headed toward the door. Dominic lifted their drinks out of the server’s hands before she made her exit and set them on the table. Diana leaned over and gave him a high five.
    The last woman, a tall one even without her heels, reached over, plucked Dominic’s hair, and seemed to study the few

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