Seed of The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy)

Seed of The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy) by Krista Bella

Book: Seed of The Alpha (BBW Werewolf Pregnancy) by Krista Bella Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Bella
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Chapter One
    You're too fat to get a good-looking guy.
    Those were her mean-spirited cousin's words that had played over in twenty-two year old Julie Love's heads since their last phone conversation. She set her sights too high, he had told her. No hot guy would want a girl with more rolls than a sweet-filled bakery rack.
    Julie wondered if he was right as she checked her makeup in the foyer mirror. She had not tried to seek out the opposite sex since finishing college. She just hadn't had the time. All she had done was complain about it, which is why Kev had the nerve to insult her.
    She did not know what his problem was, though. She was not looking for a young Brad Pitt...just someone who looked nice. Julie saw no reason to settle for less than just because she was carrying a little extra weight around.
    There were men out there that liked girls with a little meat on their bones. Their just had to be.
    "It's not like I'm asking for the world," Julie whispered as she took her index finger and smudged her smoky eye shadow. Then she turned to the side and eyed her dress, a red baby doll number that flared out to the sides but still managed to show off her curvy figure and massive cleavage, critically. "I just want a nice guy who will treat me right." She ran her fingers through her golden-blonde hair which was pulled back into a tight ponytail.
    "Wow, you look great," came her mother's, Jean's, awed voice. 
    Julie whipped her head around, almost hitting her face with her golden tail. "Hey momma, I didn't hear you walk up."
    Despite being about thirty pounds lighter and about twenty-five years older, Jean Love, whom Julie had moved back in with after college, still looked good for someone of her age. She was dressed in a black, silk negligee and had a cigarette between her bony fingers as she stood staring at her plus-sized daughter.
    Jean took a long drag on her cigarette and nodded at Julie's shapely form. "I'm sure you'll definitely get a man tonight looking like that."
    That's not what Kev would say , Julie thought.
    "Thanks mom," Julie said with a slight smile. "But I'm just going to work."
    Her mother frowned in confusion as she blew out a cloud of smoke from in between her thin lips. "Work? At this hour? And on a Friday night?"
    Julie could see the questions pile up in her mother's eyes. If she was going to work, why was she dressed like a street walker?
    It's because I want to feel pretty tonight , she thought.  Kev's words have really shaken my confidence. Besides, there will be no one at work to see me anyway.
    "I need to stop by the building and fill out some papers that have to be filed by Monday," Julie explained.  "Or else my boss is going to kill me." Being one of many clerks for a demanding boss was one of Julie's pet peeves.
    "Oh." Jean took another drag. "I still don't know why'd you dress up if all you're going to do is go file papers."
    Julie sighed. "Because Kevin said I was too fat."
    Jean nearly choked on a cloud of her smoke. "Kev said that?"
    Julie nodded. "Said I would never get a man unless I lost a good thirty pounds."
    Jean coughed and shook her head. "Well don't believe that. You look just fine as you are." She smiled and looked pointedly at her daughter's thighs. "Honey, let me tell you, if I had had a body like that in my day, there would have been no end to the dong that would have came my way."
    Aghast, Julie's jaw dropped. "Mother!"
    Jean threw back her head and laughed at her daughter's embarrassment. "I'm just kidding."
    Julie placed her index finger in her mouth and imitated gagging. "Well, please don't do that. It grosses me out."
    Her mother walked over and tapped her cigarette out in the ash tray that sat on a stand below the mirror Julie had been checking her appearance.
    "Well you don't gross me out." Her mother took her in her arms and delivered a kiss on her cheek. Julie's nose was overcome by the smell of cigarettes. "Don't ever think that."
    Julie smiled. "I don't."

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