Seeds of Desire
kissable. He returned her gaze
with a slightly puzzled look, but behind the confusion lay concern. This little
accident of hers really had him worried.
    His strong hands that had touched her so gently after her
fall rested on his knees. The thought of what he could do to her with those
hands sent butterflies rushing into her belly. What would it be like to truly
make love to him instead of just screwing him?
    Oh no. I am not falling for Jared Jackson. Not a chance.
    If she could make herself believe that, she’d be all set.
    “Do you want me to stay?” he countered.
    She couldn’t decide. She’d always hated hospitals. Whenever
she was in one, her throat and chest tightened. Too much time spent in them as
a child, between her own illnesses and watching her mother slip away. But she
didn’t want to ask Jared for any favors.
    He’d offered, though. Even though Jared acted like a jerk
sometimes, he’d come with her to this place. He would stay if she wanted him
to. That meant more than she wanted to let herself think. “Yeah, I would if you
don’t mind,” she admitted.
    “I don’t.” He settled back in the chair and crossed one leg
over the other. “Have to make sure our consultant lives through the attack of
the killer shovel, or Dad will make me find a new consultant. That one probably
wouldn’t be as cute as you.”
    “Shut up, Jared.” She turned away so he wouldn’t see her
smiling. Did he really just say that? No backhanded hints, just a
straight-out compliment? God, he’s getting soft. Warm tingles ran through
her. And so am I.
    She looked again at his hands and images of those fingers on
her breasts and between her legs flitted through her brain, making her shudder. Okay, I want him. I admit it. Maybe last night could happen again. Nothing
wrong with having a fuck-buddy around. But care about him? No way. He’s just
here because he’s afraid I’ll sue JaBro for getting hurt. As soon as I’m all
better, he’ll be right back to his egotistical jackass self.
    She was scared to death of the idea of liking Jared. She
couldn’t have anything with a man like him. Maybe some hot sex, but nothing
more, and without the something more the sex wouldn’t be worth it. His naked
body against hers would make everything better for a while, but despite her
fantasies and the incredible sex the night before, she didn’t want only that
anymore. She wanted the full deal.
    With Jackass Jared Jackson.
    Great. I’m screwed.
    Only a few minutes passed before a doctor came in carrying a
clipboard at which he glanced frequently. “Ms. Shelton?” he asked uncertainly.
    “That’s me,” Cassidy confirmed.
    “I’m Doctor Libby.” He pulled a wheeled stool up beside the
stretcher and sat down, studying her as if she were an interesting new
specimen. “So you have a head injury, huh? How’d that happen?”
    She hoped he’d seem a little more intelligent after they’d
spoken further. Right now, his powers of observation didn’t impress her a bit.
“I tripped and landed on the wrong end of a spade,” she replied.
    “Spade?” His brow furrowed in confusion.
    He probably thought she meant a playing card. “I’m part of
the JaBro crew that’s planting trees a ways north of here,” she explained. “We
were working on the site, and someone hadn’t taken care of their spade.”
    “Ah. I see.” He set the clipboard on the floor and stood.
“I’m going to take a look at that cut of yours. It’ll probably hurt.”
    He didn’t give her a chance to brace herself before he
pressed his fingers against the side of her head.
    “Fuck!” Cassidy blurted, flinching. “Sorry. Damn, that
    “No problem, I’ve heard worse language. I’m sorry.” He
lightly touched her head. “Better?”
    “Still hurts,” she whined, hating herself for her tone.
    “It bled like crazy,” Jared added. “It must be pretty deep.”
    “Head wounds bleed profusely,” the doctor said casually.
“This isn’t so bad.

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