SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Page B

Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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person who finds this book: I am sorry. I am certain this is my last entry. There is nothing more to say. I am leaving you this precious collection of possessions to continue the struggle. Hold these items close to your heart. Know that I kept it up for as long as I could.
    What Neon and her dogs have done is evil and insane. I may be losing my mind but I will never let evil own me. Even if I can’t do it anymore, I believe you can rise above this, my friend, my sister, my child. Fly out of here like a beautiful bird. Hold Lucy’s feather close to your heart and know that you are not alone.
    We may have been victimized, but victims we are not. Find your peace within. Escape if you can. No matter what happens, fly.
    I don’t feel the tears rolling down my face until I finish reading. I am sobbing, clutching the notebook and swearing that I will never surrender.
    The sorrow for Sarah and Lucy is overwhelming. But my determination is strong and silent within. I will find a way to bring down Neon Lips. I will make her and those ugly men pay for everything they’ve done to April and me, and to Sarah and Lucy. I swear it.

Chapter 8
    Moving through the crowded sidewalk is a little harder than normal with my injuries. My ribs are killing me. It’s hard to breathe. I’d rather be at home on the couch, but this meeting with Ryan is important. I need that guy in more ways than one. He’s the only one I trust to give me the low down on what’s happening at the station.
    I’m a little early, and so is Ryan. I signal and head straight over to the table where he’s sitting. The waitress is on the ready today. She’s at our side in no time, taking my coffee order. She’s cute and flirtatious, but I don’t acknowledge her, beyond being polite.  I’ve got my mind on one woman and one woman only. I have no idea about Ryan. I’m pleased that when she walks away to place our order, he gets right down to business.
    “First of all, I crosschecked all the information you told me to check against related cases. I ran a search and came up with some interesting results.” He hands me a brown manila folder across the small table as he speaks. “I know you’ve already got your own information sources, so this may not be as exciting as it sounds. There’s still a chance it could be more significant.”
    I get hopeful when I flip open the folder. Three of the cases he’s been looking at are incredibly similar to April’s abduction. This is progress. Good police work is all about finding patterns. I need to make sure that I cover every base.
    “Thanks,” I say. “Can I take this folder home? I could use some time to read it over.”
    “No problem,” he tells me. “I haven’t had a chance to take more than a cursory look. It’s been pretty intense at the station, even while I’m on light duties. And you know it’s always tense when the FBI is sniffing around.”
    “I’d bet.”
    “The FBI is on a crusade, Blake. Agent Cooper’s out for blood.”
    “Yeah I know. I don’t regret getting on the wrong side of that guy. He’s an asshole, and he’s the one who put Carrie in danger as far as I’m concerned. Well, at least you’re keeping an eye out. You can warn me.”
    Ryan nods and points at the folder. “Sure. Take your time reading it. I hope it helps.”
    “So what is the FBI actually saying?” I ask.
    “Those dudes have attitude. Even the younger agents have been walking around like they own the place. They’re doing a full investigation of every case where Neon was a suspect or person of interest. It’s bad. And they’re not just investigating, they’ve invaded our space. Two of the interview rooms have been set aside for them since they arrived. People are pissed.”
    “Jesus,” I say. “I didn’t realize it was that intense. This just keeps getting worse. What does Jacob have to say about it?”
    “She’s taking the high road. She’s going by the book,

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