SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton

Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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Tonight in the van, Lucy was crying. It was something a client did and I couldn’t comfort her. She was almost catatonic. Neon’s guys told her to calm down, but she didn’t. She couldn’t. I thought it was going to be okay until one of the men opened the back of the van door, and saw that she was still crying. He started yelling and screaming at her to toughen up. He called her a dirty whore that deserved everything she got. He slapped her so hard. We all looked away. It’s stupid to try and fight back. Everyone knows that now, so we just look away and pretend it’s not happening.
    Lucy fell back against the inside of the van. He got even angrier. He pulled her out of the van and told her to stand up straight. It was nearly dawn by then and they usually try to get us inside quickly. This time, though, she couldn’t walk. He dragged her. Her shoe came off and none of us were allowed to pick it up. We usually have to get inside the building before anyone sees so I did.
    Whatever it was that happened, it made Lucy crazy. As soon as we got inside, she dropped to the floor and refused to get up. It was like she was passed out unconscious, but her eyes were open and she was moaning things I couldn’t understand. All the other girls had to get back to their rooms. They kept Lucy and I in the main room. Lucy stayed on the floor, barely moving.
    I wasn’t sure what to do. I just stood in the corner. He tried to get her up. He tried to move her but she resisted and made herself like dead weight. She ignored his orders too. He warned her once and then twice to get up but she didn’t. He was getting more and more agitated as the time wore on. Lucy just lay there babbling.
    Finally he called for the rest of Neon’s guys. When they came back, that’s when I saw the rage come over him. I scuttled out of the way while he ran at her, kicked her and then kicked her again. He was kicking as hard as he could. His leg kept swinging back really far to prepare for each blow. Lucy didn’t make another sound. Her body absorbed the shock of each hit. He was ferocious, letting that boot fly into her ribs and legs over and over.
    At one point, he kicked her in the head. That’s when I vomited on my shoes. The sound of his boot on her head sounded disgusting. I knew she was going to die. After that, I didn’t watch. I stood and faced the wall. I heard the silence of Lucy dying, I heard the man breathing so hard; and I heard when he finally stopped.
    There was silence for maybe ten minutes. The whole time I was sure I was going to be next. All I did was hide my face in my hands. I crumpled to the floor and was curled up in a little ball, trying to be as small as I could. I didn’t look or dare breathe for fear that he would start on me next.
    Eventually, he told me to get up. I nearly vomited again from pure fear. I held it in my mouth as I turned around. He took me back to the room, and there was blood on the floor when I walked past; blood and some white stuff. My angel Lucy.
    There was nothing I could do. I just had to follow him and say nothing. I wasn’t even crying. I just stared at the floor, sure that any second he was going to turn around and punch me in the face. We passed the spot where I found my precious earring, and he unlocked the door and shoved me inside. When the door closed behind me, I collapsed.
    I sank to my knees on the floor; I looked at her mattress and saw the feather she always kept under her pillow. She was so beautiful, so loving, even in the worst of pain, there was nothing she wouldn’t do for someone who was in need. Where do I go from here?
    Day Ten
    The grief overwhelms me. There is nothing left to hope for. I am like a robot. I’m a puppet, doing what I’m told to get through. Dance, Sarah, dance. I look in the mirror and see my face looking the same. Inside, I’m like the most decrepit circus monkey. I’m the ape that’s made to perform with chains on. There is nothing left. No fight.

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