SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton

Book: SEIZED Part 6: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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unlucky women, out for a good time with bad people. I have no way to tell. I have Ryan’s number on speed dial, and he’s waiting for my call. He answers on the first ring and I whisper, “You were right. It’s time.” I hang up and step into the light.

Chapter Ten
    The light reveals me to Neon first. The bouncer at her side sees me next. He widens his stance and turns to Neon, waiting for her direction. She glares at me, probably because this is the first time I’ve caught her off guard. I know the truth now, thanks to what Ryan figured out, and Jessup’s insinuations. Neon is in a secret partnership with Jessup Lee. Together, they’ve caused a world of pain for April, Carrie and possibly hundreds of other innocent women.
                  They’ve been deliberate and merciless. They’re masterminds who have kidnapped and tortured young girls across the country. They snatch them, abuse them, feed them drugs and force them onto the street. Then, when the women are finally broken, they send them across the border in trucks to be used as play bait for anyone who can spare the money. It sickens me, but tonight is the beginning of the end, at least for this arm of Jessup’s business.
    I look at the sneer on Neon’s face. She has nothing but contempt for me. It’s the polar opposite of the way she used to greet me, years back when we were each other’s only support. I still find it hard to believe that someone could change so fundamentally. She’s gone from a funny, smart girl, to a hardened criminal capable of unspeakable acts against women.
    I had a hard time accepting it, because Neon herself was once rescued from the street. She knows only too well the pain prostitutes go through. It baffles me she could turn around and do the same to others. Before this goes any further, I’m going to give her a chance to defend herself from this mountain of evidence.  With all of the years of history we share, I at least owe her a few minutes to have her say. It’s a courtesy at this point, because now that Ryan has connected the dots, I have little doubt about her guilt.
    “Erica.” I say her real name calmly. I need to bring her back from the edge. She needs to step away from Neon, a character she’s created for herself. “It’s me, one of your oldest friends. Please, talk to me. Tell me you didn’t do this?”
    I stand there on the street with my palms up, waiting for her response.
    “Don’t be such a child, Blake. You never knew me. As usual, you’re on some hero mission to save your girlfriend. She’s gone, Blake. She’s fucked and there’s nothing you can do. I own these girls. Hell, I own all of these bitches.”
    She gestures around at her entourage, not noticing the look on Jessup’s face.
    “These people do what I say, they think what I want them to think. I’ve never been more satisfied. Just face it, Blake. The Erica you used to know was weak. I’m Neon now. I have money, power, influence, and I’m protected Blake. Can’t you see? I’ve outgrown you and most men.”
    She flicks her wrist dismissively in Jessup’s direction. I’m not sure if it’s intentional, but his demeanor changes.
    “You self-righteous little bitch!” he says to her, seething with anger. “I’m the one who made you. You think you’d be anything without me? You’re a dog trainer, Neon. Nothing more. And there’s no way I’ll let you work around me like you were planning.”
    Neon pulls back her palm, preparing to slap his face. Jessup blocks her easily. He grabs a fist of her hair and pulls down on it sharply. She’s lets out a screech of pain, forced down to her knees in front of him. The people around her don’t react. Her security guy braces, but does nothing.
    Still on her knees, Neon begins to scream at him. “Get your hands off me!”
    Jessup is cruel, twisting chunks of her long hair and she’s on her knees sobbing and humiliated. Something about the pain in her voice spurs

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