Send Out The Clowns (Frank River Series)

Send Out The Clowns (Frank River Series) by Harry Hoge, Bill Walls Page A

Book: Send Out The Clowns (Frank River Series) by Harry Hoge, Bill Walls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harry Hoge, Bill Walls
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a health inspector.
    "Monkey?" Frank asked.
    "Yeah, sort of a stage name he used. He was a headliner
here until Wednesday night."
    "Was a headliner? What happened?"
    The redhead had turned to check the bottles on the shelf
surrounding a huge mirror. She wanted to know what was going on, but didn't
want to join the conversation.
    "Monkey hit the big time," the blonde answered.
"We're all happy for him. He signed a contract for one of the big rooms in
Vegas. The rat."
    "If you're so happy for him, why call him a rat?"
    "Well, I'm teasing, but he's on my "dis list"
after Thursday. Mr. Rankin, the owner of the club... Reuben Rankin?" The
way she uttered the name and watched him for his reaction, told Frank he was
expected to know the man. He made a mental note to research the Houston
Chronicle archives. When he offered no comment, the blonde continued.
"Anyway, Mr. Rankin made the place open for Monkey all day Thursday. Sort
of a going away party, you know. We decorated, bought a cake and waited for
hours. He never showed."
    "This Mr. Rankin, was he here the entire time
    "Yeah, from just after noon, until we closed at one
a.m." She squinted at Frank. "You ask questions like a cop. What's
going on?"
    "He is a cop," the redhead agreed without turning
from the mirror. "Might as well have it stamped on his forehead."
    Frank held out his badge, watching the blonde as she read
his ID. Her hand flew to her mouth. "Homicide? My God." Frank snapped
his eyes to the mirror to watch the redhead react. Her expression left no doubt
in his mind that neither woman had known Nguyen was dead.
    "I'm afraid you'll have to take Monkey off your shit
list. We found him murdered early Friday morning."
    Frank had seen delayed reactions before, where people almost
fainted after the news sank in. The blonde had to grab on to the bar to keep
her balance. Her head sagged under her shoulders. The redhead turned and
slumped against the bottle shelves. She was the tougher of the two, but
couldn't hide her shock at hearing of Nguyen's dying.
    "I'm sorry," Frank offered. "I've distressed
you both. Let's sit somewhere. You might know things that will help me catch
Mr. Nguyen's killer."
    The redhead nodded. The blonde didn't move until her
co-worker took hold of her and guided her to the booth on the aisle nearest the
door. The women slid in on the bench and Frank followed. The redhead was
between him and the blonde. He didn't like the arrangement but decided not to argue
the point.
    "I didn't catch your name," the redhead commented.
    "Detective Rivers. Frank Rivers."
    "I'm Gretchen Sullivan, but everyone here calls me 'The
    "Who would want to kill Monkey?" the blonde asked
as she held her hands to her face.
    "She's Marsha," Gretchen explained, "Marsha
    "What's she called here?" Frank asked
    Gretchen almost smiled. "Just 'Mars'. You know, like
the planet. You're pretty sharp, Detective."
    "I'd guess the others who work here think you're too
tough on Marsha."
    Gretchen nodded. "Something like that. Everyone here
thinks he's a comedian."
    "Monkey was," Marsha pronounced.
    "I'll give her that. He was funnier offstage than
    "Is that why he got the deal in Las Vegas?" Frank
    "Probably. You have to be good to move up in this game,
but funny ain't enough. Reuben pulled the strings."
    "That would be the owner, Reuben Rankin," Frank
    "He's such a sweet man," Marsha said
    "You can see there are reasons people call her 'Mars.'
It's like she’s from outer space. Not the type you’d expect working in a joint
like this.”
    Marsha uncovered her face for the first time since she had
heard the news about Nguyen and yelled, "This is not a joint,
Grinch." Frank saw a distraught face streaked with makeup and tears.
"This is a nice place and Reuben makes sure of it."
    Frank looked at Gretchen. "Is Reuben around?" He
glanced toward the nearest door marked Private.
    Gretchen shook her head. Marsha had found a tissue and was
dabbing at

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