Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation

Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation by Maryann Jordan

Book: Serial Love: Saints Protection & Investigation by Maryann Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maryann Jordan
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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motivated, but anger is also a motivation. Perhaps there was neglect or abuse in their childhood. Considering we have at least one witness identifying a possible suspect in the bar chatting up Tonya, I would even consider psychopathy as a very probable diagnosis. This is using charm, manipulation, and then violence to satisfy their needs.”
    “Goddamn,” Marc cursed before quickly apologizing.
    “No need to apologize on my account,” Shirley stated. “In closing, gentlemen, I would say we are looking for a male, thirty to fifty years old, who may have poor behavior control, early childhood behavior problems, possible juvenile delinquency, and exhibits a complete lack of remorse concerning their actions.”
    Shirley was quiet for a moment before continuing. “Mr. Bryant, I don’t know much about your organization, but I do know Monty. He was one of our best, but I know the Bureau’s sometimes cumbersome hierarchy was the tipping point that finally had him leave and join your company. It’s my understanding that you…um…fly under the regulation radar…if that is a good way of putting it?”
    Jack chuckled. “That would be a perfectly good description.”
    She nodded. “Please don’t be offended by this. You have a great deal of latitude in your investigations which will make it easier for you to ascertain information. But the special information also gives you a great responsibility. The killer will strike again and while the Bureau is placing the highest priority on this case, we know he may kill again before we can catch him. Make sure whatever you find, is shared. None of us wants the killer to get away due to faulty information gathering.”
    “Understood, Ms. Kerstig,” he agreed.
    The conference continued on for several more minutes before they ended the call with the profiler. Monty looked around the room, stating, “Shirley knows her shit, but I swear this is about as clear as mud, as my momma used to say.”
    The others agreed. No discernable personality trait of the killer they could pinpoint at this time.
    Jack said, “While Luke is still collating the evidence, the rest of you will be assigned to continue the investigation and we need to make sure our location is secure. Chad, I’d like you and Cam to stay with me to work on the perimeter. I also need to file an initial report with the Governor. Bart and Blaise, you head to Tech and Eastburg campuses to see what you can dig up on the missing girls from there. Monty and Marc, you take Western VA community college and Blue Ridge. You know the drill—get whatever information you can, however you need to get it.” Giving them a little grin, he added, “Just don’t get caught.”
    The others chuckled, knowing Bart especially enjoyed breaking into wherever he needed to and so far…his luck had held out.
    Jack finished by saying, “Now with added information and a little more idea of what we may be looking for let’s see what we can find even though the trail may be cold.”

Chapter 6
    S ally, an old friend of Bethany’s mother, came into the lodge on Saturday morning, gathering clean linens to put on the cabins’ beds. Her brown hair, streaked with gray, was efficiently pulled back as she stooped and bent to handle the laundry. A medical receptionist, she retired early at fiftly-five when her last child left for college, but loved to stay busy helping out at the cabins where she and Bethany’s mother had played as children.
    Mountville’s weekly rentals ran from Saturday to Saturday, although if space was available Bethany would accommodate other days. Sometimes guests came on Friday for the weekend and would check out on Sunday. During the summer months, most of her cabins were filled with renters who stayed for the entire week but occasionally she would have room for a weekend visitor.
    Tossing the soiled linens into the bin, Sally walked to the closet to grab the clean ones before heading back to the cabins. Since Bethany was out and

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