Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance)

Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance) by Helen Grey Page A

Book: Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance) by Helen Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Grey
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    How far away was he?
    If he couldn't get here in a matter of minutes, he would be too late. Then again, if he pulled up in front of the house right now, the chances were good that he would be ambushed. I glanced down at the phone in my hand, wondering if I should try calling him again. To warn him.
    Leaving my purse on the floor, I stood, once again careful not to allow my body to brush up against the door. Maybe, if I could see outside, I could tell if there was a strange car parked in the driveway and alert him.
    Ever so carefully, I held my breath and reached for the doorknob with trembling fingers. If knees could really knock, I was sure that mine would wake the dead. I knew I should just stay in the bathroom, but I also knew that I couldn't let Jax walk into an ambush. He was a trained combat soldier. He more than likely would expect a trap, but what if, in his rush to come help me, he…?
    He was trained. Still, how would I feel if something happened to him and I’d done nothing to warn him? I couldn’t live with myself. I very slowly cracked open the bathroom door and peeked into the bedroom. Nothing. My bedroom door stood half ajar.
    I quickly stepped out of the bathroom and hurried to the door, closing it ever so softly. Then, clutching my cell phone so tightly in my left hand I thought I might break it, I quickly tiptoed to my bedroom window. I saw the backyard and the pool, but didn't see any movement. The only way I could see the driveway would be to venture into the hallway and move to the end, opposite the stairway. Did I dare?
    I didn't want to. I wanted to find a hiding place, to wait for Jax to arrive. I wasn't a soldier, I was a nurse! I wasn't supposed to be standing here in a mansion, fearful for my life. My sense of self survival kicked in big time, but at the same time, I knew I had to do something.
    Stepping to my door, I pressed my ear against it. I heard nothing.
    Carefully, I opened the door, just a crack. I looked down the hallway. Nothing. Then toward the top of the stairs. Nothing there either. It was so quiet in the house, I probably could've heard a pin drop. Maybe they were gone. I hadn't heard a car engine, but maybe they hadn't brought a car. Maybe they had parked a short way down the road and then crept silently onto the property. I had no way of knowing.
    Slowly, and again holding my breath, I quickly slipped out of the bedroom and headed toward the far end of the hallway. I stayed close to the walls so I wouldn't step on any boards that might creak. I made it to the end of the hallway and peeked out through the window. I glanced down, not sure if I was relieved or disappointed that I didn't see a strange car parked there.
    Maybe they had crept onto the property by foot. Still, I had to warn Jax. I lifted the phone, flipped open the lid. The dull blue glow of the screen was warm, welcoming, offering a brief sense of comfort. I pressed ‘1’ again. This time the phone answered before the first ring completed.
    "Angie I told you to—"
    "I think they’re gone," I whispered. "But I think you might be walking into an ambush!"
    "Angie, I told you to hide—"
    The hair on the back of my neck stood up and my heart started hammering again. I felt a presence behind me, heard a low chuckle.
    Spinning around, I saw the shadow of the figure reaching for me. I screamed.
    I heard the alarm in Jax’s voice just before something crashed into the side of my head. Pain surged through me, followed by a starburst of white. Then I was falling, unable to catch myself. Reality faded and everything turned black.
    End of Part 4
    To Be Continued in Part 5…
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