Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray by Carol A. Spradling

Book: Shades of Gray by Carol A. Spradling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol A. Spradling
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the fetus.  The
foal seemed to struggle to reach each milestone.  A failure to thrive was how
Grayson had recorded it in the estate records.
    Determined for
the newborn to flourish in spite of her mother, Grayson had devoted himself to
the filly, providing her with every opportunity to achieve.  Practically living
in the barn, he had fed and cared for the foal until she seemed to be out of
danger.  The limp was an unexpected setback.  Grayson gathered his clothes,
left the room, and closed the door behind him.
    “My son does
like a pretty face, and wait until you see Crowning Glory.  She is a beauty.” 
Laura smiled as she patted Kat’s leg, feeling for fever under the guise of a
jovial gesture.  The limb was warm, but not hot.  She decided to leave her
ankle unwrapped while she took care of the minor abrasions. 
    “I guess
that’s true about most men.  I suppose, a girl as pretty as yourself hears
compliments at every turn.” 
    She eased
Kat’s shoulder forward and sat behind her.  Several of the marks on her back
were deep bruises.  Although sore and colorfully unattractive, they would heal
on their own.  She pushed the strap of Kat’s slip down her arm and concentrated
her attention on the deep gash across her shoulder blade.  Prodding softly
around the jagged perimeter, it had already begun to fester. 
    “If you don’t
mind my asking,” Laura said and cast a quick glance at the adjoining bedroom
door.  Not knowing how Kat would respond, she thought the girl would be more
apt to answer her questions if Grayson was out of earshot.  To Laura’s relief,
the door remained closed.  Gaining strength from the concealed space, she
probed more than the wound.  “Why did you agree to marry Reece Mullins?  Did
you know anything about him?”
    Kat flinched,
and Laura was certain it wasn’t from her ministrations.
    Laura sucked
air between her teeth and grabbed for a clean cloth.  A pocket at the base of
the wound burst open.  Liquid oozed down Kat’s back.  She dabbed the clear
fluid and reached for the pot of salve.  “This will take the sting away and
speed the healing process.  It should scab over within a few days.  There could
be a scar, but we’ll do what we can to prevent that from happening.”
    She applied a
few more dabs of salve to the gash on Kat’s forehead.  There wasn’t much that
could be done for the eye.  Laura had cleaned the area and removed all flecks
of debris.  It was only a matter of time before they would know if there was
any damage to her vision.  As for the ankle, Kat would not be able to walk
without support for several weeks.  Laura made a mental note to look through
the attic for an old cane.  There was no need to confine the poor girl to four
walls until she could maneuver on her own. 
    Laura glanced
at Kat’s foot.  Propped on two pillows, the color didn’t worsen.  Content with
her care, she moved to the bureau.  “I think it might be good to let some air
get to your leg.  I know it isn’t pretty to look at right now, but I’ll dress
it this afternoon.”  She yanked a piece of fabric from the back of the bottom
drawer.  With the pink material clutched in her grip, she held it over her head
in triumph.  She snapped it open, inspecting it with a wide smile.  Looking
over the ruffled neckline, she looked at Kat.  “Do you like this?  I thought
you might be more comfortable in a different garment.  I know I always feel
better when I can rest in a clean room and have a fresh nightgown to wear.  You
don’t have to decide this minute, but it’s here if you choose to wear it.” 
    She gathered
up the pile of dirty clothes, making sure Kat’s nightdress was buried deep
within the wad.  “Is there anything else I can do for you before I tend to
    Kat shook her
head in answer.
    “Fine then. 
I’ll be back to check on you later.  If you need anything before then, just
call out.”
    Laura backed
out of the room and closed

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