Urelis,” said the Master.
    “What do we do with it now?” asked Charl.
    “We must take it back to Fort Ogrewall and conceal it in the dungeons. When the time is right, we will conduct secret operations in the Cklathlands with our golem.”
    The three remaining Sigilists began their trip back to Fort Ogrewall. Shalthazar’s mind was on the next phase of his plan.


    Hugh Renaul strode along Market Street, the main street of Hybrand City, until he found his destination. He was here at the bidding of his master, Prince Cannath. Hugh was a loyal and devoted friend of the prince, having spent a lot of time with him in Arnathia where the two grew up. When Cannath consented to return to Hybrand after his mother died, his old friend Hugh came with him.
    Today Hugh was running errands for his prince. He had already dropped off a number of warrants at the Marshall’s Office, delivered missives to General Craxis, picked up supplies for the office, and paid the Master Smithy of Hybrand for making him a very fine coat of chain mail. His last run of the day brought him to Master Giles’ shop, famous for his Cklathish whiskey and beer.
    “Thank you Master Giles! Lord Cannath will be most pleased. Here is a token of his appreciation,” he said as he pressed a diamond coin into the brewmaster’s hand. The old man’s eyes lit up. His family and that of Cannath’s murdered great-uncle had long been friendly.
    “Tell my prince it is my honor to give him my finest work!” he whispered fiercely. Master Giles’ daughter, Deirdre, gave Hugh a disinterested glance as she brought out the items Hugh had just paid for.
    Hugh was a handsome man of Arnathian blood. His parents were nobles; his mother an Arnathian lady and his father a provincial military general of high standing. Yet, despite the ties of his blood and his proper upbringing, Hugh was not the Arnathian loyalist many had prejudged him to be. Prince Cannath had been secretly using Hugh to collect intelligence against the Arnathians and begin the process of breaking the Arnathian stranglehold on Hybrand.
    Master Giles truly liked Hugh and he stood firmly behind Prince Cannath’s secret plans to rebel against Arnathia, he and his apprentices were stockpiling supplies of food for the rebellion. It was no secret that Deirdre was in fact quite fond of the young man. But Hugh could not find a place in his heart for anyone until he saw his friend sitting atop the throne of Hybrand.
    “Careful, my friend. Using that title could get your tongue cut around here,” he smiled as he delivered the warning. Hugh was a very smart man and he possessed a very long memory. He was a skilled accountant and mathematician and kept books better than anyone Cannath knew. He was a scholar of ancient history, including Cklathish, and he could speak seven languages fluently. Giles smiled and nodded and Deirdre sighed wistfully as Hugh left the little shop.
    Hugh made his way to the Temple of Qra’z and stood beside the massive golden gate, its bejeweled bars studded with rubies and sapphires gleamed in the sun. Two guards, resplendent in their golden dragon breastplates and shining helms, eyed him for but a moment, then resumed their disinterested staring at the comings and goings of Market Street.
    His contact was supposed to meet him here in front of the main gate in the disguise of one of the Collector Monks who routinely walked the street in front of the Temple collecting coins from the commoners who were not oft allowed inside the temple of Qra’z.
    When the appointed time came and went, Hugh knew he had better move on. Punctuality was critical in the game he played. Most of his contacts and operatives knew that it was far better not to show up for an appointment at all than to show up late. Often times a missed appointment meant that an operative had been compromised or captured, or at the least had encountered unwanted attention. Yes, Hugh knew it was far better

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