shaede assassin 05 - shadows at midnight
wrapped around me gave me the sense of comfort and security that I needed to follow him into sleep. One crisis at a time. First we’d rescue Xander and kill Padma. Then, I’d get to the bottom of Nys’Asdar .
    My insides tangled into a mass of nervous knots as I stood at Xander’s front door. Ty didn’t seem to suffer from any attack of guilt or worry. As cool and composed as ever, he stood beside me and waited for someone to answer the door. Normally, I would’ve walked right in, but Tyler had been thrown out of Xander’s house enough times for me to know that he wouldn’t exactly be a welcomed guest. Especially since he’d helped to turn Xander over to Padma.
    A Shaede that I didn’t know met us at the door. The place was crawling with bodies—armed guards with deathly serious expressions. In Xander’s absence, I’d failed to consider who the duties of his crown would fall upon. And it was obvious that Raif was well protected.
    I kept my mouth shut as Ty and I were escorted into Xander’s study. My heart ached as I thought about the horrors Padma was no doubt delivering on him and I stuffed that anxiety to soles of my feet. Worry wouldn’t accomplish anything at this point. If I was going to get him back— and I was —I needed a level head. I could freak the fuck out later. The guards remained at the French doors after Ty and I were escorted into the study. I can’t say that I was thrilled with being treated as though I might be a potential threat, but I didn’t blame them either. If these sorts of precautions had been taken a month ago, Xander might still be here. His lax, cavalier approach to security had ultimately helped him to sneak right out from under Raif’s nose.
    I shot up out of my seat at the sound of Raif’s voice. As I turned to face him, my breath caught in my chest. He strode through the doorway, every bit the warrior I respected, but there were no warm words of welcome. No hugs. No sense of relief. Instead, he walked right past me, rounded the desk, and sat down. Never had he reminded me so much of Xander as he did in this moment, so regal and insufferably calm.
    “You are not welcome in this house, Jinn.” Raif’s tone was colder than Ty’s magic. “And if it was in my power, I’d kill you right here and now.”
    “Xander came to me,” Ty stressed. I hated that he felt he needed to defend himself for what had happened yet again. “He asked for my help. I didn’t force or coerce him to do anything. If you doubt the truth of my words, ask Adare yourself.”
    “I’ve spoken with Adare,” Raif replied as though the truth had no bearing on his opinion. “If my brother should die—”
    “That’s not going to happen.” Raif’s clear blue eyes widened a fraction of an inch at my words. “I won’t let it happen.”
    He gave me a sad smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “You certainly don’t lack for bravery, Darian.”
    “Bravery has nothing to do with it.” I was terrified of going within a mile of Padma. Given the opportunity, I had no doubt that she’d kill me. But Xander and I were bound together in our responsibility for taking Azriel’s life. One of us shouldn’t have to suffer for it more than the other.
    “Then you certainly don’t lack for foolishness.”
    Ouch . I leaned forward in my chair and stared my best friend dead in the eye. “I need an army if I’m going to get him back, Raif. So let’s get our asses in gear and quit worrying about the odds.”
    “I’m sorry, Darian, but I don’t have a single body to spare.”
    What? Had my ears suddenly stopped working correctly? “What in the hell are you talking about?” Body snatchers. That had to be the reason why Raif was acting like a crazy person.
    “I don’t have the forces to lend you an army.” Exhaustion pulled at his mouth, lined the corners of his eyes. “Thanks to that buffoon”—he jerked his head toward Tyler—“and my foolhardy brother, word has reached Saben

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