Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete

Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Page A

Book: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
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given,” I nodded. “Now that I’ve tasted the touch of two bears, you know I’m gonna have to come back for seconds.”
    Jake chuckled softly in his throat. “Yeah, there’s that.”
    “Seriously, though,” I said, “I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this happy. And now I have to leave it all and go back to my craphole real world of sexist bosses and crotchety landlords. And I have to pay off the latter before he boots me out on my ass by finding another one of the former and putting up with more chauvinist posturing and blatant nepotism—”
    “Explain to me again,” Jake interrupted, “why are you going back?”
    I fell silent. I suddenly couldn’t think of a good answer. And the alternative? Staying here in this beautiful place, with two wonderful men who had showed me the time of my life? To say I was tempted was beyond understatement.
    But, as much as I may not have been jumping for joy about my life for the moment, uprooting it like that all at once just seemed a bit drastic. I had always been a city girl, and a few days in the woods, wonderful as they may have been, hadn’t changed that. I had real responsibilities that I couldn’t just leave behind, as much as I may have wanted to.
    “I have to,” I finally said. “It sucks, but I have to.”
    “But you don’t have to say goodbye to us,” Jake whispered in my ear. “I can promise you that.”
    I smiled, humming softly. I turned my head and lifted my face to him, and accepted the touch of his lips on mine.
    We kept making out until I heard a soft growl not far away, and I looked down to see another bear looking up at us from down the hill. I had so far only seen him in his human form, and yet somehow I just intuitively knew it was Max. “Hi, Max,”
    He rose up on his hind legs and shrunk back down to a human. “Figured he’d take you here,” he said. “He’s got a thing for this spot.”
    “I can see why,” I said. “I think I could develop a thing for it too.”
    “Anyway,” Max said, “your clothes are back at my cabin waiting for you, so you can head back whenever you’re ready.”
    I didn’t think I would just yet. “Just a little longer,” I said.
    Max came up to the rock and joined us, sitting down by my side and putting an arm around my back. I must have spent nearly an hour there, just sitting between the two of them, watching the forest alive around us. Eventually, we got up, and the guys shifted back into bears. I climbed onto Max’s back this time, and rode him back to his cabin, where I found my clothes neatly folded on his couch.
    After we had some lunch, I got dressed—somewhat reluctantly I might add—while the guys put on some clothes themselves. I’ll surprise no one by saying I was a little saddened by that too. But hey, the place I’d left my car was a little more public than our current surroundings.
    We left the cabin and spent a couple hours walking the trails back to the parking area, where I finally found my SUV covered in fallen leaves and a fair amount of bird crap, with only two other cars. And that was when it really sunk in that I was leaving; I had to start fighting back my tears. I turned to the guys and gave each of them a long, tongue-filled goodbye kiss, before I invited each of them into my car for a goodbye blowjob. I made sure they both had my address and my number, and heartfelt promises that I’d see them again.
    And then I got in, started it up, and drove away. I almost drove off the road several times because I couldn’t stop looking in my rearview mirror to watch Jake and Max disappearing into the distance behind me.

               I cried while driving home.
    I knew I shouldn’t. There was no logical reason for me to be as sad as I felt. Yes, I was leaving the forest behind and the two guys I’d met there with it, to go back to my much less appealing life,

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