Trinity Blacio

Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds

Book: Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Embracing the Winds
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warm hands release her from the cuffs and swing her up into his arms. Aeolus carried her out of the shower, while Boreas grabbed a large white towel. He proceeded to dry her body off when Aeolus lowered her feet to the floor. Both of them touched, and dried every part of her body, she didn’t move. Never in her life had she been so pampered.
    “Aeolus, we need to talk about this mate stuff. I mean, I don’t understand how both of you can be my mate. How do you know I’m your mate?” She pushed their hands away, “What does it mean, your beast was close to the surface, and so was Boreas? I’m human remember! I don’t understand all this mumbo jumbo.” Luna walked into the bedroom followed by both of them. She bent to grab her dress, when Boreas swung her around to face him.
    “It’s different with everyone, but with me when you landed into Aeolus arms that first night, I could smell your scent. Just watching the two of you talk, and interact, my animal wanted to come out and claim you. Each of us has an animal form we can take, and when we are angry, or in this case faced with our mate, we want to claim her.” Boreas picked her up and walked over to the wall, where he placed her back against it. “Wrap your legs around me, Luna. Feel how much I want you, need you.” He rubbed his long, thick cock up and down her lips making her quiver in his arms.
    “Boreas, any man can get a hard on. That does not mean we’re meant to be together.” She gazed into his heated face and noticed the change from blue to green speckled with red. “Why are your eyes changing color?”
    The muscles in his back tightened and she heard bones crack. “Boreas, you better start talking to me. You’re making me nervous here.” Luna squirmed and tried to get out of his arms, but he held tight.
    “Don’t move, Luna. His beast is coming out and if you fight, it will only bring it out faster. He’s trying to control it now, wanting to give you time before we claim you, but if you keep questioning us, our animals could take over,” Aeolus stated.
    He stared at Boreas while he spoke. “Boreas, control it. We don’t have time now.”
    A snarl escaped Boreas, before he slowly released her, but his hands still moved up and down her body. “I’m sorry, Luna, I’m trying.” He stepped back a small step to let her slip by.
    Luna watched Boreas and Aeolus leave the bedroom. “We’ll get ready in the other room. It’s better for now,” Aeolus spoke over his shoulder as he glanced back at her. His eyes flickered back and forth. Luna just nodded and waited till the door closed, when she collapsed against the bed.
    “Boy, lady, you really pick them, now what the hell are you going to do?” Luna shook her head and reached for the dress she would wear for tonight. It was simple, but elegant. A red summer dress, the front of the dress dipped down low, showing just the swell of her breast. The back, well, there was no back from the waist up. She had loved it the moment she had seen it.
    Luna slipped on the dress. It hugged every one of her curves. She was tired of the beads in her hair. She whispered a few words and her long black hair flowed free down her back. Her long hair grazed the top of her butt. Luna had her father’s hair, thick but soft not like many of her mother’s race. She just needed a little makeup and she would be ready.
    She stepped into the bathroom and heard the bedroom door open. Her men waited for her. Applying what makeup Luna needed she turned and stepped out of the bathroom. She stopped in mid-stride she gazed upon both Aeolus and Boreas. Luna swallowed a large lump of desire. Aeolus leaned against the bedroom wall, his arms crossed over his chest, waiting. Boreas leaned against the dresser. Both were dressed in a pair of black slacks, but Aeolus had on black silk shirt while Boreas had on a deep red silk shirt. Luna watched both men straighten as their gazes roamed her body. Boreas pants fit him tightly and showed

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