Trinity Blacio

Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Page B

Book: Trinity Blacio by Embracing the Winds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Embracing the Winds
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of her, while Boreas sat on the other side. Both of them scooted their chairs closer to her.
    “Luna, I want you to meet my brother Danny and his son Drake. They’re sitting across from you. Then there are my mates’ brothers Boreas, Eurus, Notus, and Zephyrus. At least you won’t forget their names. I should warn you though. They are just as protective with us females as your mates are. So you might as well get used to it. They can be a pain in the ass too.”
    “Cyane play nice with my little brothers. Don’t go and scare the poor girl off. I must say Luna you look ravishing tonight. If I wasn’t already taken, I might give my sons a run for their money.” Aeolus Sr. grinned and Aeolus growled in response to his father’s teasing.
    “It’s nice to meet you all, but I am afraid I might give you a headache, the way Boreas tells it.” Luna smiled and she heard him moan. They all laughed when something cold and evil touched her body. The form of black magic came from somewhere in the room.
    Scanning the room, Luna’s gaze fell on Drake. He laughed, but he stared at her as if she were trash. Goosebumps rose on her arms. An evil form of power skirted her presence, not enough to alert Aeolus, who was teasing his brother at the moment.
    Luna quietly shoved some of her magic back the way the evil came without anyone noticing. She watched and waited for Drake’s reaction. At least Aeolus and the others couldn’t detect some of her powers. Drake jumped a little and glared at her. His laugh stopped almost as soon as it began. The waitress came and distracted both of them. Everyone ordered their food, all the while she kept her gaze on Drake.
    “If you will excuse me, I need to run to the lady’s room.” Luna pushed her chair back. She needed to get away for a minute. The stench of his dark gift was making her sick to her stomach. How could she tell her mates that his cousin was the one who stalked her? She knew it was him. She’d faced his power before.
    Aeolus stood up, intended to walk with her to the bathroom and she laughed. “Aeolus, I think I can go to the bathroom myself, don’t you?”
    “I am not taking any chances. I’ll walk with you there and come back,” Aeolus stated.
    Luna shook her head and smiled. Once in the bathroom, Luna inhaled the fresh air. She waved her hand and opened the window to get some more air into the room. A cold breeze surrounded her. Her stomach muscles tightened into a knot. The stench of burning flesh filled the air. The same evil had followed her to the bathroom.
    He wouldn’t attack so close to her mates and his family, would he? Luna knew he would. She tried to call out to Aeolus or Boreas, but her powers were blocked inside. Two men stood outside the door.
    “The master said she was in the Ladies Room. That he’s blocked her magic from reaching the others. We must hurry. We only have five minutes. Then he has to remove his powers or her mates will know something is wrong.”
    Luna heard it all. She glanced up at the small bathroom window and knew what she had to do. Hoping up, she grabbed the metal frame, and pushed the screen out of the window. Luna pulled her body up and out of the window. Her butt brushed the top of the frame and ripped part of her dress. Her palms had red ridges on them where the metal frame pushed into her. Jumping down, her dress caught on the ledge and ripped further. The men pushed the bathroom door open.
    They’re yell could be heard in the alleyway. Luna landed on her knees. Glass scrapped and cut her legs. “Shit!” Bleeding from the glass, Luna scrambled to her feet and ran out of the alleyway. Luna turned the corner and stumbled to the front of the restaurant. Her sandals broke and flew off in the process. Luna heard the men come after her as she darted into the restaurant. Her lungs hurt her as well as her legs. She tripped over a rug into the private dining area. Everyone looked up shocked and confused.
    Aeolus and Boreas gazed at her,

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