Shorts: The Furry Years

Shorts: The Furry Years by John Van Stry

Book: Shorts: The Furry Years by John Van Stry Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Van Stry
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, furry
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nodded and I fell back asleep, but not before I had noticed his own breathing slowing down.
    The next morning came soon enough. I awoke feeling quite comfortable, I had never been keen on sleeping alone myself and Jeidyn's body, all covered in fur over nice firm muscle did feel rather nice pressed up against my bare skin. I lay there still for a while, just listening to his breathing, and looking at one of his hands, or paws I guess, wrapped around me. The fingers were a little thicker then mine, his hands were definitely bigger, and I could see the openings in the ends, claws. I played with one carefully and teased it out a bit, before he began to stir. Quite impressive, if his teachings didn't include martial arts, I'd have to see him trained myself. Discipline was going to be important for him, lest he get carried away some day and accidentally shred something or, worse yet, someone.
    "Morning sleepyhead," I said as he yawned in my ear. He paused a moment and taking in our relative positions, which were both close and a little intimate. Then in a sudden flurry he literally leap from the bed and began a profuse string of apologies, ears twitching, tail dancing, and I'm sure under that fur he was blushing profusely.
    "Jeidyn!" I interrupted. He stopped and looked at me, almost comical in his distress. "Jeidyn," I continued in a softer voice, "Get back in bed."
    He did so a bit nervously. I slid back against him and grabbed his arm wrapping it around me. Maybe I was being a bit forward, but the last thing I wanted was for him to be traumatized by something as innocent as snuggling up to someone in bed. "Jeidyn, I don't mind any of this. It is comfortable and pleasurable. Now if you find it uncomfortable, you are free to tell me so and move away. I can assure you that if I find anything you do uncomfortable, I'll tell you, okay?"
    "Umm, okay" he gave me a little hug. "Are you sure it's okay?" he asked cautiously.
    "Well, in private, yes it is fine. In public; not usually. You'll get a better understanding of what you can and cannot do in public as you spend more time there. The same will go for what you can do with someone in private. Some folks will think that being in the same bed means you want to have sex with them, others would laugh at that thought. Some folks will have problems with this," I motioned to the two of us in bed, "because we're both male; though I daresay there will be some of those who will have problems with you because you're not human anyway.
    "I'll coach you as we go, and let you know what's acceptable and what's not. Don't worry about offending me or insulting me; I know you're inexperienced and young so I'm not going to get upset with you if you make mistakes."
    He nodded, "I think I understand. Two of the male staff here are lovers, I always wondered why some of the others were a bit stiff around them."
    "You're pretty perceptive," I chuckled, "How'd you know they were lovers? They weren't the ones you spied on, were they?"
    He laughed, a rather pleasant sound, I'd have to get him to do it more often. "Oh no, they were very proper and professional, but I could smell how their scents were mingled on each other’s bodies and clothes. Like the two I had spied on that time. It took me a while to figure it out. But it does lead to a question, sir, I mean Bill."
    "Oh? And that is?"
    "How do you do it?"
    "What, Sex?"
    He nodded.
    "Well, basically you do what ever feels good, and what ever your partner enjoys. I can give you all the books you want on the subject, but its something better shown then described, that's half the fun."
    He looked at me with a mixture of curiosity, expectation, and something else I couldn't place.
    "Don't worry, I'm sure you will not lack willing teachers once people get to know you better. I would suggest that you start with others your own age. You'll have more in common," I realized then that he was starting to

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