Shotgun Bride

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Book: Shotgun Bride by Lauri Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauri Robinson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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bandage may not have looked the best, but it did the job. The cut isn't bleeding. Actually, it doesn't look as bad as I expected."
    "Really?" He stood and strolled across the room to a door on the far wall. Opening it, he walked into the area. Still mulling over his statement, but curious, Jessie followed and peeked through the open doorway. Two windows filled the room with light. A large brass tub, a bench, and a washstand with bowl and mirror furnished the room. His head twisted sideways as he examined the cut in the mirror. "You're right it's not as bad as I expected either." He poured water from the pitcher into the bowl, cupped it in his hands and began to splash his face.
    Jessie backed out of the opening. A washroom! She'd heard some homes had them, but had never seen one. Her mind fluttered, there was too much to think about at once. She walked to the stove and checked the coffee. The rich aroma made her stomach growl.
    "Cups are over there." Kid stepped out of the room and pointed to a cupboard on her left. "Pour me one too, please." He opened another cupboard, took out a container, and held it up. "It's a balm Stephanie makes. It's good for man or beast."
    Unsure how to answer, she nodded, opened a hinged door, and stared at the stacks of dishes. After years of living with the barest of essentials, the abundance of the house overwhelmed her senses. Kid Quinter overwhelmed her senses, so did the dog, the marriage; actually everything about the night beset her. She blinked at the sting in her 60
    Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]
    by Lauri Robinson
    eyes, sucked in a gulp of air then pulled two cups off the shelf. After filling them, she set them on the table. Kid finished smoothing the balm over his cheek, replaced the container then walked to the table. "Sit down." He pointed to the chair in front of her as he sat down at the end of the table next to her.
    She pulled out the chair, but her wondering mind was no longer able to keep silent. "What do you mean, an opportunity to make our lives better?" she asked, pressing a hand to the racing in her chest. Dare she hope this escapade could turn out to be a blessing?
    Kid took a sip of the hot coffee. It tasted like heaven, and he needed the pep it would give him. He was dog tired, his head hurt, in fact, most of his body hurt from the rough treatment he'd had the past several hours, and he had a full day of work ahead of him. He took another sip and looked over the rim at the young girl.
    She sniffed at the contents of the cup before taking a small drink. Her face puckered as she swallowed. A chuckle tickled his throat.
    "I like my coffee a bit strong." He went to the icebox and pulled out the pitcher of milk. "This will help." A dollop turned the liquid in her cup light tan. "Try that." She blew into the cup before taking a sip. "Mmm, much better, thank you." The tip of a pink tongue licked her lips before she took another drink. "So, what did you mean?"
    "What I said, we have a choice. We can focus on how awful it was of our families to do this to us, and dwell on it, and 61
    Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]
    by Lauri Robinson
    them. Or we can see the good that could come out of it, and focus on that."
    "The good?" Tiny lines laced across her forehead again.
    "Yes, the good." He poured more coffee into their cups, watching the changes her face made as her mind contemplated his words.
    She added milk to hers, but didn't take a drink right away. Her eyes fluttered around the room, and her top teeth bit down on her bottom lip. Tiny fingers tapped the side of her cup.
    Kid waited for her to speak. When his cup was half empty, he couldn't wait any longer. "What are you thinking so hard about?"
    Her face took on a sad, almost painful look. "Well, whwhat does the good all entitle?" Kid couldn't help but tease her a bit. With a mocked serious look, he said, "That we get to know each other." Her eyes went to her cup. "H-how well?" He had to laugh, couldn't

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