Shrouded in Silence

Shrouded in Silence by Robert Wise Page A

Book: Shrouded in Silence by Robert Wise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Wise
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Christian, Biblical Secrets
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Penitentiary that has ancient documents with everything from excommunications to the issuance of indulgences. Rather astonishing manuscripts floating around in there as well."
"I guess so," Dov rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I got a hunch that I can see where this is going."
"The Secret Archives started back with the pontificate of Paul V Borghese. A cardinal suggested they start the archives in the rooms called Paoline, next to the Sistine Chapel. From there it's gone on and on. I want you to see if you can get way below the surface. I believe there is a library underneath these vestiges of the past and it's probably on the bottom floor down there where they do archeological digging on the first-century level under the Vatican. I want you to find the ultimate basement."
"The entry pass is on my desk," Michelle said. "That'll get you by the priest-guard at the door. From there on, you're on your own, Dov."
"Don't worry. I'll carry a stun gun and whack anyone who tries to slow me down. As American tourists say, "See ya." Dov waved and shut the door behind him.
Michelle watched him through the window for several moments as he hurried down the sidewalk that led to the street.
Michelle said, "Dov worries me. Does anyone really know anything about his history?"
Jack shook his head. "I know what his family told me. I just thought he was extremely good with ancient Hebrew and was obviously a bright guy. I didn't actually do any research on him."
"You should have. After all, you could have run into him by accident in that library in Jerusalem, or he might have been there waiting for you."
"Come on, Michelle. We're only biblical scholars, not terrorists looking for nuclear weapons. Why would anyone want to intrude on our work?"
"Have you forgotten about that Albert Stein, that belligerent German scholar? Your book flattened his attack on Christianity and made him angry enough to want to kill us."
"I think you're overstating the case," Jack said.
"Oh really? Listen, when we ran into him at the Translation Seminar at The Hague, I thought it would take a team of bouncers to keep him from attacking you with a chair."
Jack shrugged. "The guys reactionary with a short fuse. I didn't take him seriously."
"Obviously. Just like you didn't take Dov that seriously."
Jack rubbed his forehead and slid his hand over his face. "Maybe, I should have checked Dov out more carefully, but I still think Dov's exactly what his parents said he was."
"You have a brilliant mind with a few snags. One of them is that you tend to be too trusting. All I am saying is that we need to be careful. There may be people out there who don't like us tinkering around with how the Gospel of Mark is supposed to end."
Jack shrugged. "I suppose you're right, but I guess it's a little late to be running an investigation on Dov. I don't think the National Security Agency or the Central Intelligence Agency would be interested in getting in on the problem."
"Now you're blowing me off," Michelle said.
"You know that I always take you seriously."
She poked a finger in his face. "Then pay attention to our boy, Dov. Watch him closely. Understand?"
Jack nodded. "I'll give it some thought."
Michelle shook her head. "I bet you will."

A hush had settled over Dr. Albert Stein's office with Klaus sitting at the opposite end of the room saying nothing. Periodically, Stein glanced through his thick glasses at his new chauffeur and body guard sitting stoically in the corner. Burchel had shed his shabby street look and shown up in a three-button brown wool suit of finely woven quality. Ties were definitely optional and occasional at best in Rome, but added the finishing touch. The dark purple shirt with a striped bluish tie reflected the best taste of a clothier with a good eye. Even with his head shaved, Burchel had taken on the look of a young business executive wearing tasseled leather shoes of the Bristol style. Out of the corner of his eye, Stein watched Burchel's stiff, erect

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