Sight Unseen

Sight Unseen by Iris Johansen, Roy Johansen Page B

Book: Sight Unseen by Iris Johansen, Roy Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen, Roy Johansen
Tags: Fiction, General, Thrillers, Crime
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suspected leaker isn’t talking. They want me to come back and lead the questioning.”
    “Don’t you mean interrogation?”
    “That’s probably a more accurate way of putting it. But they want him under more psychological duress than physical.”
    “I can see why they’re desperate for your expertise. If there’s something you excel at, it’s driving people crazy.”
    “I like how you take my gifts and twist them in such a way to make them sound like insults.”
    “Oh, so your unique brand of manipulation is now a ‘gift.’”
    “What would you call it?”
    She tilted her head, thinking about it. “A curse. A bane. A blight. A pain in the ass. Take your pick.”
    Lynch started the car and roared out of the parking lot. “Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to do without my gift for the time being. Perhaps young Agent Metcalf will get his chance with you after all.”
    “I don’t need a tagalong.”
    “Or you could just wait for me to get back. It will only be a couple days.”
    She looked away from him. “A couple days can be a long time. In case you haven’t been paying attention, there’s a sicko out there who will kill again.”
    “You’re not the only one working this investigation. You can use the time to get up to speed on the case files.”
    She gazed at him in disbelief. “You’ve got to be kidding. You expect me to sit around waiting for you, spinning my wheels? Stay in D.C. as long as you want. I’ve always done very well working alone.”
    “I know you have.” He paused. “But we both know this case is different. The killer wasn’t just targeting those victims. He was targeting you. He has you in mind when he’s planning his murders. Who knows what’s next?”
    She didn’t answer. There wasn’t anything to say. She had been thinking the same thing.
    She said it anyway.
    “We all have a pretty good idea what’s next,” she said quietly. “It’s on one of those bulletin boards at the FBI field office.”
    They drove in silence back to her condo. Why in the hell did Lynch’s imminent departure bother her? She didn’t need him. She didn’t need anybody.
    Twenty-four hours earlier, he was the furthest thing from her mind. Now she was feeling all out of sorts because their hours-old partnership was suddenly interrupted, and he was off to intimidate some D.C. crook?
    Because he was right. This case was different. And she might hate to admit it, but it felt good to have that sledgehammer by her side.
    He pulled in front of her building and let the engine idle for a long moment before speaking. “You’ve got my number. Keep me posted, okay?”
    “And Kendra…”
    He leaned forward and kissed her squarely on the mouth.
    She tensed. What on earth was he doing? Her first instinct was to recoil. Her second was to press closer. The second instinct won out. She was kissing him back, she realized.
    Strength. Warmth. Safety.
    She had subconsciously expected any touch or overture from Lynch would involve sex and passion judging what she knew of him. Not this feeling of being guarded, treasured. It confused her …
    He finally pulled away. “Say it,” he said warily.
    “I’m not going to put you on the spot.” She had to catch her breath and steady her heartbeat. “I know it was an impulse on your part. A gesture to express your regret that I’m going to have to go it alone. It was very … friendly, and completely unnecessary.”
    “I’m glad you’ve been able to analyze my mind-set and actions so thoroughly,” he said with irony. “It’s a shame that you can’t be sure whether you’re right or not. That could be very frustrating.” He gave her another kiss on the tip of her nose. “Be careful,” he whispered.
    She quickly climbed out of the car and almost ran into her building without looking back.
    *   *   *
    Kendra actually said the words aloud after she entered her condo and plopped down behind the desk.

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