Significance, Satan's Attitude MC

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Book: Significance, Satan's Attitude MC by Needa Warrant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Needa Warrant
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my wife wanted to go dancing.” Rebel looked at the lawyer seriously. “My son was with Goose and Cathy. Monica has no family and I’m Brandon’s father. Monica used my last name on the birth certificate, too. I’ve paid support for him. I’ve got to go to New Jersey for a wedding and I won’t be back for a few days. I don’t want Social Services getting my son.”
    The lawyer looked at him and folded his hands. “Do you want me to draw up a temporary custody order just in case Monica was in the trailer? You know, I could make a call and see if there was a body. The fire marshal is my brother-in-law.”
    “Yeah, that would be a good idea,” Rebel decided. “I hope to hell she is okay.”
    Rebel watched as his lawyer made the call. He paid no attention to what was being said, looking out the window in thought.
    The lawyer hung up the phone. His face was grim. “Brandon, I’m sorry, but they did find a body. It seems the propane tanks blew up or a fire caused them to blow up. It’s being classified as accidental. I told my brother-in-law that you knew her and that you’d help in any way you could with her family.”
    Morris puffed on his cigar as Rebel absorbed the news. “Monica had no family left that I knew of. She got the money to buy that piece of shit trailer and the land when her parents died.” He looked up at his lawyer, determined. “I want full custody of my son. I’ve got this wedding and I want to make sure Goose and Cathy can watch my son legally.” He ran his hand across his face, anxious. “I told her that thing was dangerous, but you know how Monica is … or, was .”
    “I certainly did.” The lawyer sighed. “I am sorry for your loss. I’ve got a partner here that can draw that paper up. I’ll need Goose and Cathy to come down and sign it right away. Would you like to call them?”
    He handed Rebel the phone, then stood up and went off to find his partner. Rebel dialed Goose’s house and drummed his fingers on the desk as he waited for the phone to be picked up.
    The moment Goose answered, Rebel spoke fast. “Monica blew up in her trailer last night. It’s being called an accident. I need you and Cathy to come down here to my lawyer’s office. Morris Greene’s. I need you to sign papers taking custody of Brandon until I can get back. Temporary custody, Goose, as I’ll be raising my son with Violet.”
    “Shit,” exclaimed Goose, feeling slammed by the information. “Good thing Violet made you take her out! We’ll be right down, Reb. You sure you don’t want us to raise Brandon? Violet’s gonna flip out.” The last thing Goose wanted to deal with was Violet’s temper.
    “It’ll be fine,” Rebel assured him. “She wants a baby and she can’t get Whiskey to let her raise his kid. A son will be a whole new game to her. I gotta leave soon, so get down here now.”
    He hung up the phone just as his lawyer returned. “I spoke to Dennis and he says you’re the father, so there will be no issues,” Morris explained as he took his seat. “I’ve got the birth certificate in my safe and Dennis is drawing up the papers. Do you know if Monica had any siblings?”
    Rebel looked at his lawyer. “No. She was an only child, born late in life to her parents. I’m here to protect my interests in Brandon.”
    Morris watched as Rebel removed a wad of cash from his wallet. He rubbed his hands together, thinking of the money. “Dennis will file a motion to grant full custody to you today. We don’t think there will be any problems with custody either.”
    Rebel started to peel hundred dollar bills away from the wad and lay them out on the lawyer’s desk. “Make sure there isn’t, and I’ll double this amount when I get back.”
    The greedy lawyer counted the money and assured Rebel there would be no problems at all. Goose and Cathy came into the office with their daughter and the baby, Brandon. Rebel put his arms out to take his son. He looked down at the blond-haired,

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