Silken Savage
rosy nipple, teasing it erect, creating an aching throb in her loins.
    Leaving her lips, his mouth mapped a course across her face, placing delicate kisses along her brow, her nose, her eyes, her jaw, finding its way to her ear and making her shiver as he traced its contours with his tongue. On down her neck his teeth nipped and his tongue soothed until he found the sensual curve of her shoulder. His loosened hair caressed her breasts and shoulders.
    The combination of his hand teasing her breast and his mouth playing along her shoulder was too much, and Tanya arched against his body involuntarily. He was murmuring meaningless phrases, encouraging her touch. Her hands were spread out against his smooth chest, warding him off, but now they seemed to have a life of their own. Slowly, tentatively, they began to explore, measuring his shoulders, feeling the muscles contract beneath her palms. Her questing fingers stroked his arms and shoulders, working their way gradually up into his thick ebony hair.
    Panther’s velvet lips at last found her breast, scorching her with their heat. His teeth worried her throbbing, swollen nipple, and his tongue laved it. White hot flashes of passion seared through her, making her cry out in longing — for what, she wasn’t sure. She clutched at his head, pressing him closer in her need.
    As his mouth worshipped her breasts, his hand slid to her thighs, caressing and then parting them. Tanya gasped, and Panther’s mouth immediately came up to cover hers in a hot, passionate kiss that increased her desire. Her own hands searched along his back, feeling the corded muscle and sinew beneath smooth, sun-kissed skin, tapering to the trim waist, the compact buttocks, the powerful thighs.
    Panther groaned, sweat breaking out on his skin as he strove to control himself. His hand nestled itself between her legs, his long, sensitive fingers evoking pleasures Tanya had never imagined existed. Tanya quivered and thrashed beneath him, her breasts straining against his chest as Panther ignited an inferno throughout her body. He heard her shocked gasp as his fingers slipped inside her warmth, stroking the moist velvet there, his thumb continuing its arousal of her sensitive feminine core.
    Tanya’s incoherent cries were lost in Panther’s mouth as she gasped for breath and cried out in amazement. Her whole body tensed in expectation and then seemed to explode in a million tiny fragments as he brought her to fulfillment. Spasms shook her from head to toe and she collapsed in quivering wonder, too stunned to do more than whimper. Gathering her close, Panther held her until she finally calmed and slept. His own body aching still, he forced himself to be patient. This night it was Panther who lay awake for hours.
    Tanya was filled with self-loathing the next morning. How could her body and mind betray her in such a manner! My God, the man was a savage! Yet her body throbbed at the memory of his caresses, and Tanya found herself studying his hands and lips as he ate. She blushed furiously and turned quickly away as he caught her gaze.
    Panther smiled to himself. Yes, she was ready. He could have taken her last night, but he’d wanted to show her something of what to expect before he mated with her. He wanted her to be prepared, and he wanted her willing and eager. Today she would think about it, anticipate the evening, and be ready for him when the time came.
    All day long Tanya fumed and fussed, trying to sort out her feelings. In all honesty, she was not repelled by him, though she felt she ought to be. Until a few days ago she was preparing to marry Jeffrey. Now she was panting after, of all things, a Cheyenne warrior! She felt drawn to him; had since that first day. She admired his quiet dignity, his noble pride. Part of the reason she tried so hard to adapt and learn the ways of his people was to earn his approval, his praise.
    Panther satisfied her senses. He was magnificent to watch; tall, proud,

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