Silver Mage (Book 2)

Silver Mage (Book 2) by D.W. Jackson Page B

Book: Silver Mage (Book 2) by D.W. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W. Jackson
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listened closely as they named off their skills. One of the females was an internal magic user, putting her quickly off the list for advisors. Internal magic had too many ways that could make them more of a hindrance because it was near impossible to tell if they were hiding any powers.
    That left only three candidates. All three were skilled in various areas that could be useful to him, so he narrowed it down in his mind by their controlling element.
    Fire, wind, and earth were their controlling elements. Fire was strong willed and combative, but they were also known to be fiercely loyal to their masters. The only problem was who the mage would view as their master, him or the tower. Wind was flippant and very curious, but tended to forget things as fast as they learned them. Earth was sturdy and tended to think about every decision, but they were annoying stubborn. In the end, Bren decided on Elyse the fire mage. She might cause trouble, but if he could sway her to his side, he would have the upper hand over the tower.
    Once he voiced his decision, the other mages quietly left the palace without further word. Bren was amazed at their composure and manner, though it did make him slightly wary that he had made the wrong choice. 
    Elyse was short, standing only a little over four foot tall and had a very thin body. Her hair matched her element and looked like a long flowing flames hanging behind her.
    “My lord, where would you like me to set up my quarter?” Elyse asked as soon as the other mages were out of the hall.
    “There is a room to the right of my own on the bottom floor, or you could take the room next to my study where I end up spending most of my time. I sleep there most nights as it is,” Bren added the last part, laughing to himself.
    “Then I will take the room next you’re your study majesty,” Elyse said, bowing her head slightly, but not far enough that Bren didn’t notice the fire behind her eyes. “After I settle my belongings, I would like to discuss my duties with you, if that is advisable my lord.”
    “That will be fine Elyse, you can find me in my study,” Bren said, standing from his seat.
    Bren didn’t wait for a response, but headed straight to his study. Most of his work was done, but he still had a lot of preparation left to do before the coming spring.
    Shortly after Bren set down a large group of papers about the size and yield of the previous year’s crop yields, a knock came at his door. “Come in,” Bren said loudly, knowing that it was Elyse, as no one else seemed to feel the need to knock on his chambers.
    “My lord, if we could discuss my duties,” the mage said, bowing her head slightly.
    “Yes your duties, but first we need to talk about the manner in which you will address me,” Bren said, his voice calm yet sounding cold and distant.
    “Do you wish for me to get on my knees my lord…or should I call you master?” Elyse said her voice cold and hard, each word harsh and dripping with venom.
    “No, anything but that,” Bren said, trying to hold back a laugh as he imagined Elyse doing just what she had offered. “If at possible, I would much prefer if you stopped with the, your majesty’s and my lord’s. If you would please, call me Bren.”
    “That would be hardly proper Majesty,” Elyse said, staring at him coldly.
    “You might think so, but having grown up in a palace, I can assure you that people who work closely with the royalty only use formal titles when others are present,” Bren offered. “More than once my mother’s guards would admonish her like a child for acting foolishly. It is quite a sight to see a queen blush when she is getting scolded. Not that I am asking for you to scold me.”
    “If that is your wish…Bren,” Elyse replied hesitantly.
    “Great,” Bren said laughing. “Now about your duties. It would seem straight forward, you are to be my right hand in all domestic affairs and offer advice where you deem necessary and in the case

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