Sinful Seduction
    â€˜Don’t be daft,’ scoffed Maggie. ‘I won’t faint.’ She smiled ruefully. ‘There’s too much to do. I haven’t got the time.’
    â€˜Well, at least get something inside you, lassie,’ grumbled Mrs McAlister. ‘You can’t run about like a scalded cat on an empty stomach.’ She pointed to the black-leaded range. ‘There’s porridge in the pan and some tea left in the pot. Get yourself something to eat before you take up the hot water and fetch down the trays.’
    â€˜Porridge!’ exclaimed Maggie, pulling a face. ‘No thanks, I’ll make meself a bit of toast.’ Pouring herself a cup of tea, she found the toasting fork and stuck the heel of the loaf onto it. Seated in front of the fire, she held the bread in front of the hot coals, staring dreamily at the patterns they made as she went over Master Jeremy’s words in her head.
    â€˜For God’s sake, girl, do you want to set the place afire?’ demanded Mrs McAllister, and Maggie came to with a jerk to find her toast in flames. She squeaked with dismay as the fiery remains of her breakfast fell onto the hearth and disintegrated in a shower of sparks.
    â€˜Now look what you’ve done,’ said Mrs McAllister. ‘Get that swept up and make yourself another slice.’ The bells on the wall jangled. ‘Too late,’ she went on in vexation. ‘That’ll be them wanting their hot water. Leave it and I’ll do it. You’ll have to wait for your breakfast now.’ She tutted. ‘Really Maggie, I don’t know what’s got into you this morning. You’re usually such a sensible girl.’
    â€˜Sorry, Mrs M,’ apologised Maggie, leaping to her feet. ‘But don’t you bother; I’ll sweep up the mess when I get back.’ Gripping a water can in each hand, she nudged the door open with her hip and set off back upstairs.
    Outside Lord Edwards door she paused apprehensively. What if he grabbed her again? She might not have such a lucky escape this time. She pushed open the door, peered round it and breathed a sigh of relief. There was no sign of him. He must be in the dressing room, so hitching up her skirt she dashed in, deposited his hot water, picked up the breakfast tray and dashed out again.
    Leaving the tray at the top of the servants’ staircase, she returned for the second water tin, walked along the upper hall to Master Jeremy’s room and tapped on the door. There was no answer and a pang of disappointment ran through her. He must be getting dressed too. Pushing the door open she walked in - then stopped on the threshold, her mouth dropping open.
    He was getting dressed all right, but he hadn’t bothered withdrawing to his dressing room to do it. The sunlight coming in through the window illuminated his naked body, highlighting the smooth hard planes of his chest and stomach and the muscular columns of his thighs. He looked like that statue of whatsisname she’d peeked at in one of the books when she’d been dusting the library. With one small - or rather large - difference. She gasped and averted her eyes from the sight of his manhood lying heavily against his thighs, her knees suddenly weak at the wicked images the sight conjured up.
    At the sound he whirled round and grabbed the crumpled sheet from the bed to cover himself. ‘Good God, girl! Couldn’t you knock before you came in?’ he demanded.
    â€˜I - I did, sir,’ she stammered. ‘You couldn’t have heard me.’ She held up the can of hot water as if it were a talisman against the strange feelings the sight of his naked body had provoked. ‘I - I only came to bring you this and take away your tray. I didn’t mean to disturb you, sir. I’m sorry.’
    He looked up from fastening the sheet round his waist, saw the expression on her face and took pity on her. ‘Don’t look so

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