Sinister: A Paranormal Fantasy (Sinisters Book 1)

Sinister: A Paranormal Fantasy (Sinisters Book 1) by Colleen Fleshman Page B

Book: Sinister: A Paranormal Fantasy (Sinisters Book 1) by Colleen Fleshman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Fleshman
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the table, looking pensive, then brightened. “We’ll break into Caracalla’s office!”
    Matt laughed again, but stopped when Anna didn't join him. “Seriously?”
    She nodded, taking a casual sip from her blue mug as if she suggested committing crimes on a regular basis. Then again, maybe she did.
    Maybe crazy was a better word to describe her, though he couldn't help admire her bravery. “Are you nuts? We can’t break into his place! He’s rich! He’s probably got security cameras and Rottweilers and who knows what else. Plus, he seems to be doing something— magical. He can probably turn us into toads.”
    “Magical is not quite the right word,” a voice chimed in from behind Matt. He twisted in his chair to see Luke standing a few feet away. “Supernatural, perhaps, but not magical.”
    Luke walked to the side of the table and slid into an empty chair. As he did so, he passed through a shadow, and for the briefest instant Matt could have sworn he saw Luke’s eyes glow red. Then Luke sat down and the image was gone.
    “I would really rather you did not tie me to a chair,” he continued in the same conversational tone, "but I would be happy to answer what questions I can."
    “Are you stalking me?” Matt demanded. That probably wasn't the type of question Luke had meant, but it was the first one that popped into his head.
    “Not at all." He sounded genuinely surprised by the question. “I love coffee, and my…assistants…are not particularly good at brewing a pot.”
    “You have assistants? What exactly do you do?” Anna asked, her tone casual, though Matt could see her lean forward on her chair.
    “Oh, a bit of this and that,” Luke replied loftily. “It matters not. What has brought the two of you together?”
    “Coffee,” Matt answered. “We just love coffee, and our assistants aren’t good at brewing a pot.”
    Luke laughed in earnest at that, an infectious rumble that enveloped the table. Matt couldn’t help but smile along. Against his better judgment, he was actually starting to like the crazy dude. “I take it you are aware that you both possess the same abilities.”
    "About that," Anna said before Matt could respond, "Why didn't you tell me about Caracalla? Or give me a mission? How come he gets to do cool stuff and I don't?" She gestured with her thumb at Matt.
    "I have a mission that requires his particular skills. I will soon have one for you, but I do not at the moment, so you are free." He turned his piercing blue gaze to Matt. "Am I to assume that you are agreeing to help now?"
    Matt hesitated. Once he gave his word, he wouldn't go back on it. If he agreed to help, he had to follow through. He took a sip of his neglected coffee to delay his response and was pleasantly surprised at the explosion of vanilla, chocolate, and coffee flavors in his mouth. He took a larger drink just to enjoy it. When he finally answered, he was surprised at what he said. "Yeah."
    Luke smiled broadly. "Wonderful!"
    He wasn't so sure about that. He had a sinking feeling that he'd gotten himself in way over his head, and it wouldn't be too easy to get out. If he hadn't agreed, he would be sitting safely at home, playing FIFA.
    Boring, a tiny voice whispered inside his head. Don't you want to feel like you're doing something worthwhile?
    And anyway , he thought more cheerfully, I get superpowers now. Luke might call them special abilities, but he was pretty sure they were superpowers.
    “So what are these special powers we get?" he asked. "And why haven’t I heard about them before?”
    Luke chuckled. "Would you believe it if someone told you a select group of left handers—people considered evil for long periods of history—worked, not to destroy the world, but to save it? In any case, we are able to better do our jobs if people are not aware we exist. You cannot fight the enemy you are unaware of." He ran his hand through his hair. “I admit we have asked more from you than is typical, but it is

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