The Institute
heels she once gave me.
    “They were
together weren’t they?” It’s quite obvious by the look on his face
that I shouldn’t have asked that. “I’m sorry, that’s a really
inappropriate thing to ask. You don’t have to answer.”
    His look says
it all anyway. Mr. Williams is openly weeping now and I don’t think
I have ever felt this awkward in my whole life. This is worse than
when Dad tried to talk to me about the birds and the bees. I think
I would rather it if Mr. Williams would go back to pretending like
nothing is wrong.
    “I told him to
stop, I knew he would get himself into trouble. He was going to be
a teacher, a proper one and then he had to go and fall for a
student and ruin everything.” He sighs, “Now I don’t even know
where he is,” he says.
    “Do you think
they are together now?” I ask, a little stunned by this
    “I’m sorry
Allira, I really shouldn’t have pulled you into this. I really
shouldn’t have been talking to you about it at all.” I know he
shouldn’t have as well but I’m glad he did.
    “That’s okay
Mr. Williams, I won’t tell anyone.” The rumour mill is working
overtime with Ebbodine missing, I don’t want to add fuel to the
    I leave the
room a little confused but also with a little bit of hope. Will
Ebbodine come home when this relationship fizzles out? Is that
where she really is, shacked up with our English teacher’s son? It
seems plausible.
    I spot Drew on
my way out of school. “I just had the weirdest conversation,” I
blurt out.
    “Oh really?
That sounds interesting.” He flashes me a smile and I almost lose
my train of thought as I involuntarily smile back at him. Smiling
when I’m around him has become a reflex. I know I only just
promised Mr. Williams that I wouldn’t tell anyone but I have to
tell someone, it’s the best news I have got in weeks.
    I lean in and
talk in a hushed tone so no one else can hear me, “Mr. Williams
thinks Ebbodine is with his son Chad and they have run off
together. I don’t know where Carwyn fits in – possibly she was
dating them both at the same time but Mr. Williams is pretty
convinced it’s true. She never told me but seeing as he was
teaching here, I guess it would make sense for her to keep it a
    I would like to
be a little offended that she kept this from me but it’s not like I
haven’t kept secrets from her.
    “Well, that’s
good news isn’t it? There’s still a chance she’s not far away and
will be home soon,” he says.
    I nod, “It’s
the first time I have felt the slightest bit of hope since she
    “Hey, we should
do something fun tonight,” Drew suggests as we start walking to the
train station.
    Fun? Is he
kidding? I already feel guilty enough around him, like I shouldn’t
be happy when there’s so much going on. I should be doing more to
find Ebbodine. I give him a look that must say I’m less than
impressed with the idea.
    He touches my
arm lightly, “You don’t need to give me that look, Allira. All I am
trying to say is you are constantly worried about your current
situation, it’s a lot to handle on your own. You are allowed to
have a little fun and we haven’t really been out on a date
    So we are
dating then? Did I miss the part where he asked me? Or is this his
way of doing it?
heart-melting smile makes it too hard to resist. He does have a
point. I can’t think of a single moment where I have not been
worried about Ebbodine, or remembering Jax’s face as the life
drained from it. It has been a lot to take in and I can feel it
starting to get on top of me. Maybe a night out isn’t such a
horrendous idea like I first thought.
    “Okay. Where
exactly did you have in mind?” I ask.
    “I know exactly
where we can go,” he smiles.
    Drew takes me
to a secluded park close to where I live. “I didn’t even know this
place existed,” I say, thinking that maybe I should get out
    “I discovered

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