Sins of a Virgin

Sins of a Virgin by Anna Randol Page A

Book: Sins of a Virgin by Anna Randol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Randol
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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prey hunts me.”
    Gabriel grabbed her arm and dragged her backward as a couple fumbled past, nearly careening into them. The woman’s dress was little more than pink gauze draped over her generous form. Her dark nipples were clearly visible through the bodice.
    In her ivory dress, Madeline looked positively virginal by comparison. But that, no doubt, had been her intention all along.
    Despite being already occupied, the woman shot Gabriel an admiring look as she continued past.
    “The improbably named Miss Victoria Vixen and Mr. George Tundell,” Madeline supplied. “She’s between protectors right now. If you want her, she appears to be interested.”
    The overblown woman held little appeal. It would be like making love to the Alps.
    “Hmm, so you’re not a breast man.”
    She was doing it to him again. He wasn’t about to protest that he liked bosoms quite well, just not a hideous excess of them. “I prefer your breasts.” That should put an end to her teasing.
    She didn’t even blink. “I’m sure we’ll be able to find someone with similar measurements.”
    So much for the attempt. “I didn’t come here to find a mistress.”
    “Most men would leap at the added benefit.”
    “Most men would be oblivious to your attempts to manipulate them.”
    “Madeline!” Viscount Jamison practically skipped to her side, his grin vanishing as he looked at Gabriel. “Huntford.” He spat the name.
    Seven years ago, Jamison had been a prime suspect in Gabriel’s investigation into Susan’s murder, but in the end he’d proven innocent. Yet Gabriel felt no guilt about the level of his scrutiny. If Jamison had bothered to answer the questions he’d been asked and treated his maids better, there would have been no need for Gabriel to delve more deeply into his past transgressions.
    Jamison’s lip curled. “I doubt you can afford a single night with one of these women let alone one as your mistress.”
    Gabriel knew he was wealthier than the constantly impoverished Jamison. But since Jamison was no longer a suspect, he wasn’t worth an argument. Gabriel merely inclined his head. “I’m here as an employee of Miss Valdan.”
    Jamison’s sneer shifted into a superior smirk as he tugged Madeline toward the dance floor. “Dance with me.”
    She laughed. “I like boldness in a man, although most would have asked me to dance before leading me away.”
    Jamison bowed his head in mock contrition. “I could hardly say what I wanted in front of your servant.” His gaze darted over his shoulder to ensure Gabriel had heard.
    Madeline’s reply was lost in the sway and press of the crowd. When she appeared on the dance floor a few seconds later, she was on the arm of the Duke of Spencer. He liked to think she’d disliked Jamison’s attitude, but it was more likely that the duke was wealthier.
    Dozens of perfumes and colognes vied in the damp, warm air, coating Gabriel’s throat. He edged his way toward an open window, always keeping Madeline in his line of sight.
    Madeline smiled at something the duke said and leaned in to respond, her eyes gleaming as if she were about to impart the perfect secret. Gabriel only just stopped himself from leaning in to try to hear even though he was half a ballroom away. Another gentleman to his right lacked his control and inched forward. As she spun about the dance floor, she radiated wicked sensuality, as if she might suddenly decide to scandalize everyone at any moment. And none of the gentlemen present would risk looking away and missing it.
    Gabriel took advantage of their distraction to survey those in attendance. From his investigations this afternoon he’d tightened his suspect list to five: Lenton, Billingsgate, Hurley, Wallace, and Stedman. The other two had been eliminated when he’d confirmed their whereabouts the evening of the murder. Of the remaining suspects, two were here tonight: Lenton and Billingsgate.
    While keeping Madeline in sight, Gabriel worked his way

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