Sins of a Virgin

Sins of a Virgin by Anna Randol Page B

Book: Sins of a Virgin by Anna Randol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Randol
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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through the crowd until he stood a few feet to the right of Billingsgate.
    The man’s long black hair was tied back in a queue, but a piece had come free. He kept shoving it out of his face with impatient swats of his hand. A curvy, blond woman lingered by his side even though it was apparent his attention was on Madeline. “There is something about her I cannot resist.”
    “You used to like a thing or two about me.” The blonde inched closer, finally wrapping her hands around his waist and pressing herself fully against him.
    Billingsgate lifted his hand and roughly fondled her breast through her bodice, but his gaze stalked Madeline on the dance floor. “You were never more than a passing tolerable swiv.”
    When the woman swatted his hand away with an annoyed huff, Billingsgate shoved her from his side and prowled closer to the edge of the dance floor.
    Gabriel intercepted the woman as she regained her balance.
    Her brown eyes swept over him with an appraising gleam. “Are you looking for some company?”
    Gabriel shook his head. “Answers.”
    “Why don’t you come with me and I’ll see what I can do?”
    “I want information on Billingsgate.”
    Her tongue darted nervously over her lips and she checked to ensure he was still hovering by the dance floor. “I didn’t come to waste this evening talking.”
    “I will make it worth your while.”
    Her eyes skipped to Billingsgate’s back again. “He won’t know I talked to you?”
    Gabriel led her toward an alcove. “No.”
    Her smile returned, this time bloodthirsty. “What do you want to know?”
    “You were his mistress?”
    She shrugged. “Not quite. He visited me a few times, but we never had anything formal.”
    “When?” Gabriel asked.
    “About two years ago.”
    She would know nothing about his whereabouts for either murder then. But perhaps she could link him to Miss Simm. “Did he ever mention a daughter?”
    The woman’s eyes widened. “No, he’s not precisely the sentimental type. He—”
    Billingsgate had glanced behind him, and even though he wasn’t looking at them, the woman bolted before Gabriel could stop her. Before he’d paid her.
    That bespoke a lot of fear. And that fear definitely moved him to the top of Gabriel’s suspect list.
    Gabriel threaded his way back to the edge of the dance floor so Madeline could find him when she finished this set. Where she went, Billingsgate and Lenton would follow.
    He tried to picture either of them as the suitor Susan had spoken of. Not that he knew much. He only knew the man was handsome and titled. Gabriel hadn’t let Susan get any further in her description before cutting her off. He’d come back from Oxford so full of himself and yet stinging from dozens of slights doled out by his aristocratic classmates. He’d been sure her suitor couldn’t have honorable intentions. He’d been so certain he knew what was best for her he hadn’t even bothered to ask questions. Instead, he ordered her away from the man. Ordered her, as if Oxford had made him all-knowing.
    He might have been right about the man, but he’d been a fool about his sister.
    Madeline returned to his side as the next set formed. The dance had brought a flush to her cheeks, making him long to let her warmth chase away the chill that surrounded him.
    A sparkle lit her eyes. “You can’t play nice with the other children, can you? What did you say to Laura to chase her off?”
    Ah, he hadn’t inspired the look, the chance to taunt him further had. That was easy for him to believe. “Laura?”
    “The blonde.”
    Gabriel saw no reason not to tell her at least part of the truth. “I was investigating Billingsgate. Where’s suitor number one—or rather two?”
    “I sent him to fetch me a glass of wine. Don’t you ever pursue women for the sake of enjoyment?”
    “Not when I’m working.”
    She leaned in so close that, if he lowered his gaze, he’d be able to stare down the enticing valley between her breasts.

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