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Army. As soon as (or before) I had learned the goose-step, I had learned to be goosed, and enjoyed it, my dear; don’t you, Jack?” he said, slapping my thigh and passing his hand over my most interesting member. “Now I’ll tell you all about it. We’ll keep ourselves fresh for tonight; but another day I mean to both fuck you and have you fuck me. Is that a bargain, my dear?”
         Having assured him that I was perfectly agreeable to be his wife or husband, which ever he preferred, at any time, he continued:
         “I was saying how common sodomy is in the Army. Our old major was the first to introduce me to it. He made me drunk, and next morning I found myself in his bed with him. Money was everything with me then. It always has been. Why, I used to be office lad to a solicitor at Liverpool, where I forged his cheque for a hundred pounds and ran away to London, had a damned spree for a week, lost or spent it all, then enlisted. It was the safest thing to do; the military rig-out so changes the appearance of a fellow.
         “Well, I was speaking about our old major. Two or three quid squared me at once, and I let him get into my arse again, as no doubt he had done whilst I was drunk. That was the first time I really felt what it was like, and enjoyed it. My stars! how the old buck afterwards sucked my prick and frigged me ‘till I hadn’t a drop of spend left in me.
         “In a very short time I got used to his ways, and used to abuse him, as I am certain this was his true and secret desire. Tell him I would, of how he was such a naughty little soldier boy, who’d committed grievous errors on the field and therefore needed to be punished. How he would whimper and grovel! I would make him like my booted feet ‘till the leather fairly shone in the dark, and I would humiliate him with cruel taunts and gestures as he plead with me on his knees. His cries would remain unheard, however, as I pummeled him about and forced him to lower his trousers to receive hot and painful stripes across his rump from his own riding crop.
         “Once I even rode him on his hands and knees like a circus pony, just there in a circle on the antiquated floors of his quarters. A bit drunk was I, and I truly had a lark, pulling upon the short hairs of his neck and kicking him so that he might bray and prance about. This type of activity seemed to delight him, and he would give me an extra sou for it.
         “I have had lots of women, but do not care for them, for they do not make half so much of us as gentlemen do, although of course they always pay us. You can easily imagine it is not so agreeable to spend half-an-hour with a housemaid, when one has been caressed all night by a nobleman.
         “This is the experience of all the men of my regiment, and I know it is the same in the First, The Blues, and every regiment of Foot Guards.
         “When a young fellow joins, someone of us breaks him in and teaches him the trick; but there is very little need of that, for it seems to come naturally to almost every young man, so few have escaped the demoralization of schools or crowded homes. We then have no difficulty in passing him on to some gentleman, who always, pays us liberally for getting a fresh young thing for him.
         “Although of course we all do it for money, we also do it because we really like it, and if gentlemen gave us no money, I think we shall do it all the same.
         “Many of us were married; but that made no difference. All we have to do is not to let the gentlemen know it, because married men are not in request.
         “So far as I can see all the best gentlemen in London like running after soldiers, and I have letters from some of the very highest in the land. One gentleman, a nobleman, had me once in his own house, in the room next to his wife’s boudoir. I heard her laughing, and talking, or playing on the piano, whilst her husband was on his knees

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