Sins of the Cities of the Plain
pleasure, and as I lay supine upon him I had the ineffable enjoyment of feeling the soft hugging pressure of those ivory arms, which now clasped me to his bosom, whilst his lips repaid my previous attentions by a profusion of loving, billing kisses.
         A chuckling laugh behind me recalled me to my senses, and turning ‘round to see what it could be, to my horror I beheld the marquis himself standing, frigging a very nice fine prick of his own, and evidently enjoying the sight of our conjunction.
         “There’s a lewd little bitch for you!” he exclaimed. “To think of my old friend, the aristocratic Master Dennis, having a linen-drapers’ assistant to tea in such a lascivious manner. But I must punish you both. You my dear, shall commit lewd acts with me, and you, Mister Counter-jumper, shall look on.
         His sudden appearance had in a moment reduced my cock to its normal state of limpness, and I withdrew quite abashed from the delicious mancunt I had spent in.
         “Slap my arse; bugger me; shove your prick into me as I fuck him, and you shall be well paid!” he almost shouted, throwing himself on his friend, and beginning to fuck fast and furiously.
         “My pet, my love, my own Dennis, no one shall ever marry you. You are mine darling, although I must first be excited by seeing some beautiful boy have you. And you, sir, make haste to help me behind; it’s the only way I can really enjoy him!”
         My prick was ready again in less time than I can write it; the sight of a marquis fucking his colleague so excited me that I began to slap his bottom with my open palm as hard as I could with one hand, whilst the other was busy feeling his balls and handling the shaft of his fine stiff penis as it worked in and out of that lovely mancunt.
         “Fuck me! Bugger me! or I can’t spend!” he exclaimed, so wasting no time, I lubricated his fine hairy and wrinkled arsehole with spittle, and bringing the head of my cock to the tight-looking orifice, I speedily effected an entrance.
         What a fuck that was! He was evidently rather slow, although awfully excited, and both Lord Dennis and myself having just emitted a profusion of our essence of life, we were not so quick in reaching the spending point.
         With both hands I frigged him, and tickled his glans, as he fucked away, whilst my prick was as lively as possible in his posterior aperture.
         Finally we came, and all three almost at the same moment; our bodies fairly quivering again and again as the electric thrill shot through our excited frames.
         At last it was over, and both of them overwhelmed me with caresses ‘till it was absolutely necessary for me to take my departure. Lord Dennis hastily selected several pieces of silk, whilst the marquis pressed a ten-pound note into my hand, and assured me I would very often have a chance of obliging both himself and his lover again.
         For a period of two years I continued to be their favourite, ‘till, Lord Dennis’ health failing, the marquis took him to Naples.
         It appeared, in explanation of this incident, that these two had always loved each other to excess since the age of puberty, and nothing would induce either of them to marry. Although the marquis eventually became so blase that he required the stimulating sight of seeing his companion fucked by a man before he could enjoy the young lord himself. Lord Dennis loved him as much as ever, and allowed himself to be used as a lure to seduce young fellows like myself, in order to pander to his elder’s depraved tastes.

CHAPTER VI. Mr. Inslip’s Private Club
         I never saw the Marquis of Churton or his beautiful companion again, but a month or two afterwards I had to wait upon a rich city gentleman, the principal of a large financial house, who I shall call Mr. Ferdinand, a rather handsome but exceedingly peculiar gentleman, between thirty-five and forty years

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