Skulduggery Pleasant
more quickly than her own. She didn't dare look back; she didn't want the fear that was lending her speed to suddenly sabotage her run. It was too dark to make out anything ahead of her; she couldn't see one arm's length ahead. She could be about to run smack into a wall and she wouldn't--
    She twisted at the last moment and got her hands up and hit the wall, then pushed away, kicking off without losing too much momentum, continuing around the corner. The man couldn't see in the dark any better than she could, and she heard him hit the wall and yell out a curse.
    Up ahead was a break in the darkness. She saw a taxi pass. The man slipped and stumbled behind her--she was getting away. All she had to do was run up to the nearest person she could find, and the man wouldn't dare follow her.
    Stephanie plunged out of the shadows and screamed for help, but the taxi was gone and the street was empty. She screamed again, this time in desperation. The streetlights tinted everything orange and stretched her shadow out before her, and then there was another shadow moving up behind. She threw herself to one side as the man barreled past, narrowly missing her.
    The canal was ahead, the canal that flowed through the city. She ran for it, aware that the man was once again behind her and gaining fast.
    She felt his fingers on her shoulder. The first touch was fleeting, but the second was a grip. His hand curled around her shoulder and tightened just as she reached the edge of
    the canal, and she managed to throw herself forward before he could drag her back. She heard a panicked shriek from behind and realized she had pulled him after her, and then the freezing water enveloped them both.
    The cold stunned her for a moment, but she fought it and kicked out.
    She clutched at water and dragged it down to her sides, just the way she had done countless times off the Haggard beach. Now she was moving up, up to where the lights were.
    She broke the surface with a gasp and turned her head, saw the man struggling, flailing his arms in terror.
    For a moment she thought he couldn't swim, but it was more than that. The water was hurting him, working through him like acid, stripping pieces of him away. His cries became mere guttural sounds, and she watched as he came apart and was silent and most dead.
    She turned from the bits of him that floated to her and plowed through the water. Her hands and feet were already numb with the cold, but she kept going until his remains were far behind.
    Shivering, Stephanie reached the edge of the canal and managed to haul herself out. Arms
    crossed over her chest, running shoes squelching with every step and her hair plastered to her scalp, she hurried back to the Bentley.
    When she got there, the Bentley was empty. Stephanie hung back, out of the light. A truck passed, slowing when it approached the crash. When the driver didn't see anyone, he drove on. Stephanie didn't move from her spot.
    A few minutes later, Skulduggery emerged from the narrow lane she'd been chased down. He was walking quickly, looking up and down the street as he returned to his car. Stephanie stepped out of the shadows.
    "Hey," she said.
    "Stephanie!" Skulduggery exclaimed, rushing over to her. "You're all right!"
    "I went for a swim," she said, trying to stop her teeth from chattering.
    "What happened?" he asked. "Where is he?"
    "Here and there." The light breeze was passing through her soaking garments. "The water kind of. . . took him apart."
    Skulduggery nodded. "It happens."
    He held out his hand, and she felt herself drying and saw the water drifting off her,
    collecting as mist in the air over her head. "You're not surprised?" she asked.
    He moved the cloud away and released it. A faint shower fell to the street. "Certain types of Adept magic don't come cheap. As we saw at Gordon's house, your attacker had made himself impervious to fire, and was probably very proud of himself for doing so. Unfortunately for him, the

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