rough sparring with Lawrence and the guard failed to make her do any more than noticeably warm and occasionally let loose with a fierce growl that would leave an inexperienced fighter dripping shit down his tail. His own Lady Eve fondly remembered the many times her own sire attempted to kill her and force her to take dragon form for the first time. In the end she shifted, severely wounding her very proud sire before she reigned her dragon side in. Forcing a first shift on an oblivious dragonkin would be cruel and dangerous and frankly, not his job. He has mixed feelings about doing it for his own children. Today, Cloud arrives at the gym first and is well into her workout with Lawrence when Cooper shows up with his laptop and phone. He plans to mix work with socializing then give Cloud the night off from the bar and spend the evening with her in his suite. Lawrence understands why she needs to be somewhere safer. As much as Cooper ’ s oldest friend likes having her around, Lawrence is one of a select few who appreciates the powerful nature of the green relic two floors up. He also knows the danger Cloud faces from the Council and the risk Calgary takes in harbouring her. “ Cherry, ” Lawrence breathes. Even after a round of exercises and nearly an hour sparring he won't get any closer to panting. “ I don ’ t suppose you ’ re tired of hauling cases of beer up to the bar, are you? ” “ What do you mean? ” she asks. Cooper listens, eyes on the computer screen and coffee to his lips. Both Lawrence and Cloud are winged and dressed in traditional trousers. Cloud also wears a light tunic. The rest of his guard huddle around the room. Working nights in the bar downstairs makes the rough males perpetual latecomers. The late nights don ’ t affect Cloud and even Lawrence ’ s easy temper shows signs of wear from keeping up with Cloud ’ s early mornings. “ Friends aren ’ t always what they seem, little gryphon, ” he whispers and Cloud grunts a reply as she slips under his wing, landing an elbow in his kidney. “ Sometimes it ’ s in their best interest for you to do some damage to someone you care about. ” “ A good gryphon will always keep another from getting out of line, ” she paraphrases. The actual quote she would have learned in childhood is several paragraphs long. “ Put it into practice, ” Lawrence barks and Cloud takes a step back to assess Lawrence ’ s change in stance from defense to challenge. “ Enough dicking around. You want a shot at the guard you ’ re going to fight me for it. ” “ How? ” Cooper ’ s eyes narrow as the gold flashes in Cloud ’ s eyes. The remainder of the guard takes notice as well. Although they can ’ t see the change in her eyes their attention turns to the centre of the chamber where Cloud and Lawrence square off. The female is fearless. Even face to face with a gryphon nearly twice her size, she ’ s ready to go before she ’ s even heard the rules. “ Better me, Cherry. That ’ s all. I want to feel a bone break. If it ’ s mine, you ’ re in. If it ’ s yours, you ’ re back to humping empties until I say you get another chance. ” She doesn ’ t answer as she brings her hands up. Only a tiny tremor and a dry swallow suggest a healthy caution. Lawrence ’ s tail twitches, hinting at his coming attack but Cloud keeps hers still. It might be against her nature to harm another without cause. She ’ s headed for a rude awakening, Cooper decides as he moves to the edge of his seat. He ’ s as caught up in anticipation as the rest of the room. As much as he avoids senseless violence, the gryphon in him is easily drawn to the prospect of an honest fight. Maybe that ’ s why he owns a testosterone fueled gryphon bar. “ Yes, Master, ” she replies with a formal acknowledgement of Lawrence ’ s status as head of the guard. A good gryphon never refuses her master ’ s order, trusting he knows her limits better than she