Sleeping With the Enemy

Sleeping With the Enemy by Kaitlyn O'Connor

Book: Sleeping With the Enemy by Kaitlyn O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor
Tags: Fiction, General
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making it very hard to maintain eye contact even though it seemed important that she should.
        She wasn’t certain if the fact that he’d told them who he was was a courtesy or if it was meant to further intimidate them, but she realized after a moment that he was waiting for her to return the courtesy and that there was certainly no reason not to tell him who they were. Captives were not supposed to volunteer any information, but they were allowed to give name, rank, and serial number. “I’m First Lieutenant Sybil Hunter.”
        He nodded again and his gaze flickered over her face and down her length in a way that was so human-like-so like the assessing gaze of a man-that it threw her further off kilter.
        It should have made her skin crawl. Instead, she felt a shuddery, knee weakening sensation filter through her. Dismissing it with an effort, she met his gaze with a hard look when he’d finished looking her over. “I’d like my flight suit back.”
        Something flickered in his eyes, but she had no idea what he might be thinking. She didn’t think if he’d been human he would’ve been an easy man to read, but he wasn’t human and she had no idea how they might perceive things, how their minds might work. It was almost more disorienting to realize that his mind could be so different as to be completely incomprehensible to her.
        He frowned, but she didn’t know if it denoted deep thought or anger or if the thought was a lie he was concocting, a memory search for where it might be, or even of the language to figure out what she was talking about. He hadn’t seemed to have any trouble at all with the language, despite his thick accent-either understanding or speaking-but that didn’t necessarily mean he fully understood it. He might have rehearsed the little he’d said to them.
        “You are cold?”
        She would’ve like to think the question hadn’t been prompted by the fact that her nipples were tenting the front of her under shirt but she had a bad feeling he hadn’t missed much when he’d looked her over. “A little. More importantly, I’d prefer not to stand around half-naked.”
        He frowned and this time she didn’t doubt his confusion. “I had thought the suits were protective gear? You do not need it here. I assure you.”
        “They are, but I wasn’t wearing anything under it,” she said uncomfortably.
        The comment drew his gaze to the thin undershirt and her panties again. He looked as if he was about to say something else but appeared to dismiss it. “I will escort you to the room where it was removed. Perhaps it is still there. If not, I will see if one of the women has something to offer.”
        A jolt went through her at the offer. Reluctance immediately descended upon her to allow him to escort her anywhere at all, but she was the one who’d insisted.
        She still didn’t see why he couldn’t send someone for it and have it brought to her, but she didn’t want to either show her reluctance to go with him or risk having her request dismissed altogether. For that matter, he seemed in some doubt that it still existed and, whether she needed it at the moment or not, she certainly needed it if there was any chance of leaving. “Thank you,” she managed finally.
        He gestured toward the wall where they’d entered. Trying to ignore the shakiness in her belly, she led the way, ignoring the questioning looks her fellow crewmembers cast at her. She wasn’t certain which way to go when they’d left the observation room and entered the narrow corridor and sent him a questioning look. He closed the distance and settled a hand lightly around her arm just above the elbow to guide her. The warmth of his hand sent a shiver through her and made her belly tighten more.
        “You are cold?”
        Sybil gritted her teeth. She was chilled, but she knew her reaction was neither from the contact of his warmth or revulsion. “A little

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