Slow Burn

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Book: Slow Burn by K. Bromberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Bromberg
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult
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thermometer in and take her temperature.”
    “You’re a sick fuck!”
    “You wouldn’t want me any other way.”
    “True. But nothing happened.” I hear the flight called in the background as he snorts a response to my denial. “Fly safe.”
    “Later. And thanks.”
    I hang up the phone and immediately dial my own cell, part of me hoping she picks up the phone, and the other part of me hoping she misses the call.
    I have one more ring before my voice mail picks up when she answers.
    The male voice throws me for a loop. I pull the phone away from my ear and look at the screen to make sure I dialed the correct number. Yep. Sure as shit did.
    Who the fuck is answering my phone? Did I lose it at the wedding instead?
    “’Lo?” he says again, irritated. He’s irritated? He’s answering my fucking phone.
    “Who the hell are you?”
    “What’s it to you?”
    His arrogance fuels my temper. “Because it’s my goddamn phone you’re answering.”
    “What?” Now it’s his turn to be confused as fuck. “Hey, babe?” he says, his mouth pulled away from the receiver, but I can still hear it clear as day. And I can hear Haddie’s voice answering him.
Did I actually hear that right? Did I miss something?
    “Some guy is calling and says you have his phone….”
    I hear shuffling and garbled words. “Hello?” Her breathless voice fills the line, and even though I’m not really sure what in the hell is going on, my balls tighten at the sound of her sexy-ass voice.
    “You have my phone.” I’m not trying to be a dick, but I can’t help it. Less than ten hours ago, we were having sex, and now she has some guy answering my phone? I guess when she says no strings, she really means no strings. “When can you take time out of your
schedule to meet up so we can switch?” I can’t hide the sarcasm in my voice.
    Seems like sweet Haddie isn’t so fucking sweet.
    She’s silent for a beat. “Becks?”
    “Yup.” At least she remembers my name. Fucking ridiculous. “When can we meet up?”
    “Becks, are you okay?” There’s a concern that I don’t want to hear in her voice, but by now I’ve moved from shocked to bitter. Fucking women. “Oh. Oh,” she says as she realizes why I’m pissed. “It’s not what you think. Dante’s—”
    “How about tomorrow? What time can you meet tomorrow,
?” Did I really just say that? What the hell am I jealous for? No fucking strings, right? So then why do I feel like I’m tangled in a goddamn cobweb?
    “Oh …” I hear the hurt in her voice. And now I’m pissedthat I’m acting how I’m acting. It was a night of incredible sex.
Get over it, dude
. Grab your balls back and suck it up.
    Then I hear her sigh. And fuck if that sound doesn’t bring back memories of burying myself in her last night, over and over into the early morning.
    “Um, I can’t,” she says, and I can hear the television in the background fading as she moves around. “I have a commitment tomorrow, and then an event all night.”
    I bet you have a commitment
. I shake my head. “Where’s the event?”
    “Downtown. I can meet up with you in the afternoon before I have to be there if you want.”
    “Fuck,” I say, since I was hoping to head back to the ranch after I met with the trucker. “Yeah, okay … I’ll figure out how to make it.”
    I hate the searching tone in her voice. If this really was a onetime thing, then why are we both acting like fucking teenagers?
    And they say sex doesn’t complicate things.
    “Yeah?” I respond, but I’m getting impatient. I want to hang up, get my phone back, and take a break while Ry and Colton are on their honeymoon so that we can skip this awkward stage where both of us are overanalyzing what the other is thinking.
    She sighs again. “I just … last night …”
    And then I hear his voice again.
“Babe, I’m gonna hop in the shower.”
    “… was a mistake,” I finish for her. Great sex but

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