
Slumber by Samantha Young

Book: Slumber by Samantha Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Young
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy
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of Phaedra, I knew why. I had never had to seek anything so far from me before. “It exists,” I exhaled in relief, my heart in my throat, tears pricking my eyes. I felt them al exhale with me.
    “Where?” Matai croaked.
    I smirked unhappily at the thought of my journey ahead. “The Pool of Phaedra.”
    Ava gasped. “In the Mountains of Alvernia?”
    I shrugged. “Is there any other?”
    “You’re going to retrieve it, aren’t you?” Jarvis gave me a worried look.
    Scornfuly, I curled my lip back. How dare he question my honour?! “Of course, I am,” I snapped, my brain whirring with what needed to be done. “We’l send word ahead to Vojvoda Andrei Rada that I and some of the Royal Guard are coming to visit his province. Let him and everyone else think Haydyn’s sending me to feel out a possible betrothal between her and the Markiz. Everyone knows Haydyn defers to my opinion, so no one wil question it. In reality, I wil spend only a day or so at Arrana and head into the mountains to retrieve the plant.” I looked around at them al sternly, not taking a moment for a breath. “Back here, Haydyn has decided she would like some peace from palace life. She’s going to stay in her cottage in Land’s End. Only Matai, Raj…” I took a moment to think who would be most trustworthy.
    “She’l need a chaperone for appearances sake so we’l send Seamstress Rowan with you. She can be trusted.” I stared them al down. “No one must know the truth but us and Rowan.”
    They al gazed at me like they’d never seen me before. Jarvis gave me what could pass for a warm look as he nodded. “It’s an excelent plan, Rogan.”
    “How long wil it take you to retrieve the plant?” Valena asked quietly, her fingers worrying the handkerchief in her hand. She hadn’t stopped crying since she’d helped Raj uncover Haydyn’s ilness.
    Unwilingly I looked to Wolfe. He was the only one who knew the provinces wel. He cocked his head to the side thinking about it. “Without interruption? With the Royal Guard-”
    “Not al of them.” I shook my head.
    “My Lady, crime rate is rising. There is no way I’m taking the Handmaiden of Phaedra across our land without an army.”
    “Stop caling me the Handmaiden of Phaedra.”
    He shrugged. “Just being respectful.”
    “I’d believe that if you didn’t add this mocking tone to the title every time you say it,” I huffed, and realised we were being childish. “Fine. Twenty men.”

    “A hundred.”
    A hundred men! Talk about conspicuous. I gave him a look that told him I thought it was ridiculous.
    Wolfe snarled, “Fine, fifty.”
    I opened my mouth to argue and Jarvis held up a hand. “You wil take fifty men with you, Rogan. That’s an order from the Rada.” I grimaced but deferred to his wishes with a brittle nod. “Alright, so how long wil it take us?” Wolfe shook his head. “Difficult to say. Depending on weather and any other unforeseen circumstances I would say anything between three to six weeks. What wil I tel my men?” He queried Jarvis.
    “I assume you can trust Lieutenant Chaeron with the truth. Otherwise, just what Rogan outlaid. This is merely a diplomatic trip on behalf of the Princezna. If trouble brews and you must tel your men then you must, but otherwise keep it between you, Rogan and Chaeron. May I suggest you leave Second Lieutenant Worth back at the Palace, just in case you and Rogan don’t make it back in time before trouble arrives here?” Jarvis shuddered at the thought of crime in Sabithia, as did we al as we shared anxious looks.
    “Of course.” Wolfe stood, projecting strength and capability. They al looked to him as if he would take care of everything. I hated him for that. “I’l see to my men.”
    “I’l see to Haydyn’s quiet removal from the Palace,” Ava said, standing unsteadily to her feet. “Lord Matai, wil you find Seamstress Rowan, explain everything. She wil need to pack a few things. Raj, Valena, Lord Jarvis, we

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