shower flow and then let go her own stream, sighing hard at the glorious release. The rudeness only made the fizzle in her clit stronger, the need for something more ever greater. Surely the girl would have to reward this filthy obedience? But the dirty show only sped April towards the edge. Her gasps were turning to moans, and the fingers were now slapping furiously in and out of her, and then her eyes screwed shut and her hips bucked as she climaxed convulsively. Just before she sat heavily back down on the loo seat she reached out and wrenched the shower head from Leah’s hand and dropped it to spray uselessly against the side of the bath.
    Leah slid her hand from her crotch, still desperate but feeling nakedly ashamed. The girl came down from her climax with heaving breaths, staring contemptuously at her captive, her mouth open and showing her pointy canines as she panted for air. She gave her fingers one last, cleansing suck and stood to pull up her clothes again.
    ‘Turn that water off, you disgusting wanking bitch,’ she said.
    Leah was shaking from the denial of pleasure that had seemed so imminent. There was a chill to her wet skin and in the vindictive, almost deranged actions of this girl. She caught the towel thrown at her and pressed it to herself, glad to cover her modesty under April’s sudden look of distaste. Her tormentor leaned in, the snarl now returning.
    ‘You fucking slut,’ she said with quiet menace, ‘showing off to me like some filthy lesbo stripper. Get yourself dried and ready and don’t dare try to frig yourself off!’
    Leah did as she was told, the girl staying briefly to make sure her instructions were being properly carried out and to signal which toiletry items should be used. When she left she marched out of the bathroom with a backwards threatening glare. The unpredictable aggression of the elder twin was unnerving to say the least, and Leah quickly brushed her teeth, dried her hair as best she could and wrapped the towel protectively around her body before tentatively going back into the bedroom.
    April stood by the bed with her arms crossed, frowning as she watched May folding and piling a selection of T-shirts. The sight of the younger girl prompted butterflies in Leah’s belly but she realised with dismay that the whole episode in the bathroom had most likely been overheard, including the most shameful bits. Again Leah felt that her actions could be construed as a form of betrayal and she was filled with an overwhelming urge to explain to May that she wasn’t necessarily a willing partner in these games. She was conscious of hurting the younger twin, who had gone out of her way to make sure her confinement was as bearable as possible. Leah sensed the quiet defeat of being the second-born and having to live in the shadow of an older, brasher sister. As far as Leah was concerned though, the sun shone on May, and somehow she needed to let her know this.
    April spotted Leah’s entry to the bedroom in the wardrobe’s mirrored door and eyed her reflection up and down scornfully before wandering around the room impatiently, huffing noisily and drumming her fingers on various pieces of furniture in turn. She couldn’t be quiet or still and seemingly had to dominate everything with her presence, making sure she was always the centre of attention. It was as April circulated the room that Leah caught sight of the cameras - two small units mounted below the ceiling, one in the corner, the other a few feet to the side of the entrance door. Both cameras pointed towards the bed, affording different viewing angles, while blinking red lights were indicative of their active status. These were not the first cameras she had seen at the farmhouse, although the units in the stables were an obvious security measure. These ones were clearly there to keep tabs on any prisoners. Leah took the opportunity to fill the gap vacated by April and moved closer to May. She was rewarded with a shy smile that

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