
Sojourner by Maria Rachel Hooley Page A

Book: Sojourner by Maria Rachel Hooley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Rachel Hooley
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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don’t get you, Lizzie.  There’s no male specimen more perfect than Griffin.”
    “Shoot me now, please.”  Shelly shakes her head and throws a carrot at Bree.  “If that is perfect, then I’m becoming a nun.  Besides, I think Lizzie is waiting for someone else.  A tall blond who is absent.”  She turns to me, waiting.  “What’s up between you and Lev?”
    “Nothing.”  I shrug, my fingers immediately fumbling over the silverware.  I look away, not wanting her to read my expression.
    “Really?  That’s not what I hear.  Word is that the two of you are becoming an item.”  She grabs a celery stick and waves it at me.  “So clue me in.  What’s going on?  And why did his sister have your coat?”
    “Nothing.  Honestly.  We’re just friends.”  I stab a piece of lettuce and quickly begin eating, trying to distract myself from questions I can’t answer.  I don’t know what’s going on between Lev and me in this life, let alone in my dreams.  So I’m telling her the truth.
    Feeling her gaze, I can tell she doesn’t believe me.  I probably wouldn’t believe me either.  In the distance, Griffin watches me, too, the weight of his eyes stifling.  So I focus on lunch and breathing.  That should be enough to keep me out of trouble right now.
    “So,” Shelly says, taking the cap off her water bottle.  “I was going to work on the Shakespeare project, and I wondered if you wanted to come over after school.  Maybe we could work together and get it done?”
    The rest of the day blurs past without me seeing a hint of Lev.  Although Celia said he would be returning, I don’t find him, no matter how hard I look.  As I open my locker, I glance at his coat hanging there.  The rest of the borrowed clothes are bagged up in my Jeep, ready to be returned.  More than once I’ve smelled them, savoring the scent of his cologne.  Shaking my head, I want to laugh because I don’t know any better than he does which side of the bipolar swing I’m going to wake up on, whether I will want to be near him or be afraid of him.
    Taking a deep breath, I grab the jacket, figuring I can always drive his stuff over.  This time I will drive across the bridge instead of walking, that way I won’t have to worry about taking a winter swim just in case Lev has other plans rather than jumping in after me.
    I also grab my purse which I haven’t really looked through since Griffin gave it back.  As I can’t really figure out what he was doing in the cemetery in the first place, the purse creeps me out.  Was he following me?  That’s the last thing I need.
    Closing my locker, I pull out my keys.  As I stride toward the exit, Griffin sees me passing and matches my stride, joining me toward the exit.
    “So are we still on for tomorrow?”
    “Sure,” I say, half-holding my breath as I wait for divine intervention to save me.  I am definitely not ready for lunch with Griffin, even if it is only 45 minutes.
    “So…why do you have Walker’s jacket?  Are you two seeing each other?”
    I grit my teeth and speed up my steps which is futile because he does the same thing and he has much longer legs which means faster strides.  Then he stops in front of me, cutting off my path.
    “Are you?”
    “No!” I snap, trying to push past him.  “We’re just friends.”  I manage to find a hole and slip around him.  I walk even faster.
    “I keep telling you that I could be a good friend, Lizzie.  A very good friend.”  He stands in the middle of the hallway, waiting.
    “Try Gail,” I call.  “I hear she’s definitely in the market for that kind of friend.” Unsure if he’ll come running after me, I pick up the pace even more, relieved that the exit looms ahead.  Since he hasn’t caught up to me by the time I slip outside, I take a relieved breath and slow down, suddenly enchanted by the blanket of snow which has fallen during the day.  I have been unaware of anything except

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