Something Different/Pepper's Way

Something Different/Pepper's Way by Kay Hooper Page B

Book: Something Different/Pepper's Way by Kay Hooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Hooper
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on through the house to her work area. After a moment’s deliberation she placed the masked rider’s souvenir on the middle shelf of her bookcase. She studied the effect for a moment, nodded to herself, and sat down at the desk.
    This time she did accomplish some work. Her notes fellinto place naturally, and she didn’t foresee any major problem with the forthcoming book. Aside from pushing Corsair off the desk twice and firmly putting Bucephalus outside after he’d chewed on her ankle for the third time, she worked undisturbed.
    “You should lock your doors. Anybody could come in.”
    It was Chase, back in his jeans and shirt of the morning, and carrying a bag from a hamburger place in town. Before she could say a word, he was going on cheerfully.
    “Hamburgers; I didn’t feel like cooking. Let’s eat.” He headed for the kitchen.
    Gypsy rose from the desk, smiling to herself. So he was going to play innocent, eh? Well, she could play that game as well. It occurred to her wryly that Chase was rapidly on his way to becoming a fixture around the place … but she didn’t have the heart to send him away.
    At least that’s what she told herself.
    “How do you know I haven’t already eaten?” she asked, following him into the kitchen. “It’s past two o’clock.”
    “You’ve obviously been busy; I guessed that you’d forget about lunch. What’s the drink for the day? I forgot to ask this morning.”
    “Juice. I’m having tomato.”
    “With hamburgers?”
    “With anything. What would you like?”
    “The same; I’m always open to new experiences.”
    Gypsy started to comment on his remark, then thought better of it. She poured the juice while he was setting out their lunch on the bar.
    “Will you do something about this dog? I’m going to fall over him and break my neck.”
    “He’s supposed to be outside. Why did you let him back in?”
    “I don’t argue with a dog that size.”
    “Right. Out, Bucephalus.” She put the dog back out in the yard.
    “Salt?” he asked politely, holding up a salt-shaker when they were seated.
    “No, thank you.” Gypsy tasted the hamburger thoughtfully “I notice you ordered them both with everything.”
    “Certainly I did. That way, no one gets offended later.”
    “When we make mad passionate love together, of course.”
    “Is that what we’re going to do?”
    “You could sound a little more enthusiastic,” he reproved gravely.
    “Sorry. It’s just that I’ve never heard something like that announced quite so calmly. Or so arbitrarily.”
    “My military upbringing, I suppose.”
    “Better learn to rise above it.”
    “Your military upbringing. We’ve agreed that I don’t like to be ordered around.”
    “I didn’t order you around. I just stated a fact.”
    “That we’re going to make mad passionate love together.”
    “That’s right.”
    “Best laid schemes, and all that.”
    “Ever hear the one about the dropping of water on stone?”
    “Are you trying to say—”
    “I’ll wear down your resistance eventually.”
    “I wouldn’t be so sure, if I were you.”
    “But you’re not me, Gypsy mine.”
    “I’m not
    “We’ll be each other’s—how’s that?”
    “The last thing I need in my life is a man who accuses my cat of leading him up a tree.”
    “Let’s forget about that, shall we?”
    “Put down that catsup bottle!” Gypsy giggled in spite of herself. “I’ll never forget. That’s another of my faults, by the way.”
    “You seem to have a regular catalog of faults.”
    “Precisely. Sorry for the disappointment, but I’m sure you can find somebody else to while away your vacation with.”
    “One of
faults, Gypsy mine, is that once I set my mind on something, I never give up.”

    GYPSY THOUGHT ABOUT THAT CALM STATEMENT during the remainder of the day. As a declaration of intent, she decided, it lacked something. And what it lacked was a

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