scruff and then he got a story for me to read I still couldn’t hear much from down stairs so I got Jack’s dummy and tucked him into bed
When I was coming down the stairs Rob shouted at me “And you may as well come and hear this Shannon” so I went into the kitchen
Mum started telling me how Rob has been seeing this slapper from the chippy called Suzie the one with the orange tan apparently it was her who sent Rob the flowers this morning not Rhys sending them to me :( and then later on a card arrived and when mum asked Rob he didn’t deny any of it
So the stupid cow was like begging the twonk to stay and finish with the fake bake and I was like Mum, have some self respect and chuck him out
That’s when it got really bad and he said it he said that none of this would have happened if it wasn’t for me. Me? LMFAO what did I do? Make him go and shag the greasy chippy tart? Make her do something stupid like send cards and flowers to our house? FFS Apparently if it wasn’t for me being trouble and getting into bother at school and get this, taking too long in the bathroom in the morning FFS then my mum would be happier and easier to live with and he wouldn’t have to go and look elsewhere (too much info BTW)
So he was ranting on and Mum was crying then he said that if she really wanted him to stay then I’d have to go go where I asked him but he said he didn’t care and he’d had enough of me and it was me or him
The worst bit of it all was that Mum didn’t say a word she just kept crying even when I looked at her and begged her to pick me so I came up to my room
Well that’s it if she even has to think about it for a second that’s not good enough for me I’m off
I could go to Gran’s but she’s dead old and would want me in bed by like 8 and her spare room smells a bit funny and I don’t think she’d ever give me any money for going out what with being on her pension and all and she lives the other side of town so I’d have to get a bus to see Rhys’
That’s it! It worked! Thanks Howden, you old bugger. I’ve got a plan now. Writin’ it down did the trick. I’m going to go and live at Rhys’s house. He’s got like five brothers an’ sisters or somethin’ so one more won’t be a problem. His twin brother has his girlfriend over to stay all the time, Rhys says. I’ll text him in the morning. Best get some sleep now then ’cos I bet those two won’t hear Jack in the morning and it’ll be muggins ’ere who has to get up for ’is bottle.
Look at me! I think I look happier. Unless these toilet mirrors are like the flattering, slimming ones they have in some of the clothes shops which make my mammoth size twenty two body look like an almost respectable size eighteen, and they put roses in your cheeks, whiten your teeth and widen your smile. Where’s my lipstick in this mess of a handbag? I must tidy it up when I get home. There it is. That makes an even better picture. Mirror mirror on the wall ...
I’m so thrilled Tim reacted the way he did today. Although I’m quite surprised how quickly he came around to the idea of us being content without children. It was almost like a relief to him too. Maybe he never really wanted kids in the first place. Now there’s a worrying thought. Did I push him into it, I wonder? No, he always seemed so excited when we talked about it and planned our future. And he was never reluctant on the practical side of trying either! Perhaps he was just keeping me happy; that’s Tim all over. Oh, I don’t know. I think we do need to talk some more when he gets back from the stag weekend but I’m satisfied he’s alright with it all for now and it’s a weight off my mind knowing I’ve told him how I feel.
I bet he’s thinking of how to spend the ‘Baby Pot’ too. I’ll have to watch out for deliveries of new golf clubs and that fancy computer he’s always going on about. I’d best get a holiday booked soon before it’s
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