Southern Comfort (9781622863747)

Southern Comfort (9781622863747) by Skyy Page B

Book: Southern Comfort (9781622863747) by Skyy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skyy
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her flat reading the horrible book and sketching ideas. Now she had an invitation to go to the most romantic city in the world with a beautiful stranger.
    Piper and Corrie were both motioning for her to say yes but her mind was screaming no. Everything about this seemed like a bad TV movie in the making. No matter the connection, the truth was she didn’t know Katrina at all, and hopping on a train and spending a week with the gorgeous stranger had to be a bad idea.
    â€œDo you mind holding for one moment?”
    â€œSure,” Katrina said nervously.
    Willow pressed the mute button.
    â€œGirl, go!” Piper yelled. “Are you mental? You have to go.”
    â€œI don’t know this woman.”
    â€œYou don’t know anyone until you get to know them. Why not get to know her in Paris with a free ticket?” Corrie added her two cents.
    â€œWillz, listen to me, honey.” Piper got up. She sat on her knees in front of Willow. “Your life is incredibly boring. Seriously I don’t understand how you live like this. For once you have the chance to experience a real adventure. Get all her information so I have it, and take your ass to Paris.”
    Willow looked at her best friend. She thought about the offer. It was insane to even consider it, let alone actually go. Willow took a deep breath and held her phone back up. She pressed the mute button again.
    â€œWell what kind of person would I be if I left the American to fend for herself in a city she knows nothing about?” Willow smiled.
    It was a bad idea, but she didn’t care. She was going to Paris.

Chapter 5
    â€œAre you ready?”
    â€œI don’t think I will ever be ready,” Katrina said nervously.
    The two stood at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. The blissful week had passed by as soon as it started. The two spent days walking the streets of Paris, admiring its beauty, and tasting its famous cuisine. The couple would spend the mornings exploring French markets. Willow loved watching Katrina when she was around food. Katrina’s face lit up like a kid at Christmas when they made it to the Marché Maubert marketplace . Katrina didn’t eat; she studied the various market fare, taking time to ask questions. She taught Willow the differences between textures and tastes. Willow was in awe. Katrina talked about food the way an artist talked about art.
    Katrina was equally impressed by Willow. She spoke French, which came in handy for Katrina who couldn’t understand anything people were saying. Willow showed her all the famous sites. They spent one whole day getting lost in the Louvre and another day playing tourist wearing berets while riding the hop-on hop-off bus.
    The best time of all was nighttime. Paris came to life at night. Lights twinkled on trees and bridges. Katrina understood why it was called the City of Lights; there were thousands all helping to create the most romantic atmosphere ever. Willow loved sitting on benches just talking about all kinds of things with Katrina. They felt like they had known each other forever. Before they knew it the week had come to an end.
    â€œIt’s the last day, Katrina; you have to do it now.”
    Katrina stared at the tall tower. She was terrified of going to the top. Willow couldn’t help but laugh.
    â€œThis just seems like a horrible idea,” Katrina mumbled.
    â€œYou said the same thing about the Eye and it wasn’t that bad. Come on don’t you trust me by now?”
    Katrina looked at Willow’s innocent face. She shook her head as she walked past Willow toward the Eiffel Tower entrance.
    The top was breathtaking. Katrina couldn’t believe how small everything looked from the top. Willow held on to Katrina’s hand. Katrina had given her the best week of her life. If nothing else she knew she had a friend she would never forget.
    The sun setting set the most beautiful scene. Willow snapped photos with her phone. Katrina

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