Spank or Treat
completed on the pumpkins, Kel was the clear winner there as well, with Tilly a close second.
    “Looks like the next Sigalo’s dinner is on you two,” Ross teased.
    Loren walked over to take a look at the results, a smirk on her face.
    “What are you so happy about?” Ross asked her.
    “That you respect hard limits.”
    “Hey, it was one damn time.” But he smiled.
    “One damn time too many.” She poked him in the chest. “No more markers. Ever. Evveerrr.”
    “But you looked so cute with tiger stripes.”
    She glared at him.
    “Was it that I did them, or that I did them on your face that triggered the hard limit?”
    More glaring.
    He let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine, no markers will ever be used on Loren. I agreed to it, I’ll stick to it. I swear.”
    She leaned in and kissed him. “Thank you, Sir.” She turned at the sound of someone calling her name from inside.
    “Not even a little fake tattoo on your ass?” he called after her.
    The glare she tossed him over her shoulder would have frozen the pool had it landed there.
    He grinned. “Love you, baby.”
    She stuck her tongue out at him. “Love you, too, you damn sadist.”
    * * * *
    Ross had volunteered to haul the garbage bag with all the pumpkin guts in it out to the rolling trash bin sitting in front of the large garage door. He headed out the side lanai door with it when he thought he spotted someone walking through the Halloween display.
    When he rounded the corner of the house, however, he didn’t see anyone.
    Especially since the guy had reminded him of Kaden.
    But as Ross made his way to the trash bin with the bulging bag, he felt a shiver trail up his spine despite the warm Florida night.
    He didn’t believe in ghosts. If he did, he wouldn’t have had thirty-odd years of peaceful sleep.
    Guy must have gone inside through the front door.
    Which was the way Ross headed after depositing the bag in the bin, jumping when he saw the fake ghost hanging there in the foyer.
    Letting out a laugh, he headed for the bathroom to wash his hands.
    Seth really did a number on this place for Halloween. He’s even got me seeing things.

Chapter Eight
    Derrick hunted Marcia down and found her out on the lanai, talking with Seth and Leah. He caught her hand. “Come on. Your turn to have some fun.”
    “Ooh, seduce me some more,” she said as he led her inside the house, to the living room.
    She thought maybe they’d be trying the Doom, but there was someone else already using it. Instead, he’d laid a towel over Seth and Leah’s very stout and secure coffee table. She knew it was, because Leah had admitted herself that she’d spent plenty of hours tied to it.
    “Naked and facedown, baby,” he said. The violet wand kit was set up and ready to go, and he started pulling on his vampire gloves.
    She shivered, immediately following his orders to undress. She loved the vampire gloves, leather gloves with tiny metal spikes embedded in the fingers and palms. They made for great sensation play, especially when paired with a violet wand.
    Once she was in position, he started lightly dragging his hands all over her, raising gooseflesh in his wake from the sensation. A little scratchy, a little painful, a little pokey, they could be used for sensual or sadistic torment, depending on the attitude and skill of the person wearing them.
    And Derrick had a lot of skill with them.
    He spent several minutes playing with her body, including a few light swats to her ass with them, making her yelp. They would easily draw blood if used incorrectly, but so far, she didn’t think he’d quite gotten to that point yet.
    But the night was still young.
    Then he picked up the violet wand and started using it on her. Not the body contact yet, which would electrify him or her, depending on how he set it up, but using one of the glass probes attached to it.
    The mushroom-shaped glass wand glowed orange from the gasses inside as he passed it all

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