
Splendid by Julia Quinn

Book: Splendid by Julia Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Quinn
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large the lump on her head really was. Belle was sure to tell her mother, and Emma knew that her aunt would be worried sick. The evening would be ruined unless she ignored the pain and smiled her way through the party. “Why don’t you tell me more about Sophie?” Emma said, just to make conversation.
    â€œSophie? She’s a lovely person. Talks a lot, though.”
    Emma giggled. “I noticed.”
    â€œShe and her husband are terribly devoted to one another. I know she just misses him dreadfully.”
    â€œDoes she have any family?”
    Belle arched her brows at Emma’s interest.
    â€œI just want to know how many people are going to know about my little escapade,” Emma said hastily.
    â€œOne mother. One brother.”
    â€œReally?” Emma tried to sound casual, but her voice came out breathy and excited.
    â€œYes, I think he must be about nine-and-twenty now. He’s absolutely beautiful, with thick black hair and the greenest eyes you’ll ever see.”
    Emma felt pangs of jealousy but quickly suppressed them. The man was an arrogant, overbearing boor, and she was sure she wasn’t interestedin him in the least. It didn’t matter if his kiss had been the most exciting thing that had happened since she’d arrived in London. “You sound quite interested in him, Belle,” she said cautiously.
    â€œThe Duke of Ashbourne? You must be joking. He’s a handsome rascal, but he is positively dangerous. He never consorts with ladies, only women, if you know what I mean. Actually, I barely know him at all, but”—Belle leaned forward conspiratorially—“I’ve heard that he’s left broken hearts all over England. And the Continent.”
    â€œHe sounds quite interesting.”
    â€œInteresting, yes. Suitable, not at all. Mama and Papa would have a fit if I set my cap after him. He’s a confirmed bachelor. He won’t marry for years. I’d bet my pearls on it. And when he does, it will be to some stupid little chit who can be easily managed and then ignored once she produces an heir.”
    â€œOh.” Emma wondered why she suddenly felt so depressed.
    â€œHe won’t even come tonight. I’m sure of it. He’s invited, of course. He gets invited to everything, but he never attends unless his family absolutely forces him to. He’s probably got scores of fancy mistresses tucked away all over London. Besides, I’m sure you won’t want to meet him. He wears a perpetual frown on his face and would probably bite your head off if you said two words to him.”
    â€œGoodness, he’s beginning to sound most unpleasant.”
    â€œOh, I wouldn’t call him exactly ‘unpleasant.’ Ned has only praise for him. They belong to the same club, you know. He says that all of his friends look up to him. More likely they want to be him.” Belle shrugged. “He’s sinfully rich, you know, and even more sinfully handsome. I think it’s just thathe so hates the social whirl—hasn’t got the patience to pretend otherwise, so he just scowls at anyone who doesn’t interest him. Most of my friends are terrified of him—when they’re not plotting out how to get him to the marriage altar.”
    â€œHe must be quite remarkable to wield such power,” Emma commented.
    â€œOh, yes, it’s really quite disgusting how he always gets his way. It seems that everyone panders to him.”
    â€œWell, there’s his title for one thing; he is a duke, you know. And as I mentioned, he is exceedingly wealthy. But if you saw him for yourself, you’d know what I meant. He positively exudes power. He’s quite a specimen.”
    â€œBelle!” Emma laughed. “Your mama would swoon if she heard you talk this way.”
    â€œMama swoons about as often as you do.”
    â€œThen she’s due for a good fainting spell any minute

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