Stage 6

Stage 6 by Dylan James

Book: Stage 6 by Dylan James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dylan James
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covered my face with my hand and pulled the trigger, blowing it to pieces. The door opened and Ian ran out, and seeing Karen immediately bent down and hugged her.
    He looked up at me, “Jack, this is the second time you’ve killed a family member of mine. I couldn’t do it though, so I’m glad you came along. That thing was eating my grandmother when I got here. It chased me into that room and I waited there for help.”
    I pulled a shell from my back pocket and reloaded.
    “We have to get out of here, Ian. The truck will be circling around again and we have to be out there to meet it. It will be here any second, so I say we just run out there now.”
    Ian gripped his pistol tightly, a reflex of his I’ve noticed when he’s getting ready for action.
    He held Karen in front of him, “Ok Karen, we’re going to have to run now ok?”
    I moved towards the door, peered out the window to see most of the Infected circling the house to get in through windows. I heard a growl from off in the distance near the back door, and figured it was now or never. I opened the door and ran. I shot three of the Infected as they tried to grab me, and I heard Ian’s pistol go off twice. We ran out to the middle of the street and looked around, but they were nowhere in sight. Quickly I shouted for Ian and Karen to follow me, and I started running towards where they would appear at the end of their loop. We fired as little as possible as we ran down the street and got to the intersection. Along the way I could see several houses holding survivors, some of them looking sadly at us. I could tell they thought we were going to die out here. We reached the intersection, and looked around in horror as Infected came from every direction, attracted by the sound of our gunfire. We were surrounded. Ian held Karen to his side, and stood back to back with me. Our guns were blazing as we shot down Infected after Infected as they attempted to take us. With our adrenaline pumped, the Infected seemed to be moving in slow motion and we could tell exactly what they would do next. We ducked around them, and kept firing, in a graceful dance of death. But they just kept coming, and I clicked my gun’s trigger uselessly as it ran out of ammo. I reached for more ammo from my back pocket, while using the shot gun as a club to bash an Infected to the ground. I managed to reload two shells while Ian covered me before he too ran out of ammo.
    As we stood back to back, his voice shook as he told me, “Jack. Please, just kill us. I don’t want to be eaten alive, or even worse become one of those things. Let’s just die quickly, from our own bullets.”
    I grimly replied, “I can’t do that Ian. It’s not in my nature, I’ll never give up while there’s any hope.”
    He threw his head back and looked into Karen’s eyes as more Infected began to overwhelm my useless beatings.
    He said, “Karen, I love you. Just close your eyes and it will be over soon.”
    Although I didn’t want to give up, I could see nothing we could do. Then suddenly a rapid series of gunshots rang out and the Infected dropped near us. After each shot rang out, one Infected fell with a bullet through the head. The accuracy was amazing, although to be fair it was very easy to predict their movement. The weapons fire continued until we could see no more Infected coming for quite a distance. We looked around for our savior, to see someone waving at us out of his back yard. We could see an open steel door in the ground, and I surmised that he had a bomb shelter back there.
    He saluted us and yelled, “Long live America!”
    We ran over to him and he rejected my handshake.
    He simply said, “You all are lucky I’m here. Be more careful.”
    Then our truck, driven by Lucy came screeching around the corner. She waved at us and stopped for us to come by, with Hunter barking ferociously at us. I was infuriated that once again she was ignoring my rules never stop but glad that we had rescue

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