life with Joe. He'd formed cushioned walls around her to protect her from all harm.
    She didn't want to leave this haven. She wanted to stay here forever surrounded by Joe's love and care.
    Why was she even thinking of leaving? That thought had come out of nowhere. She had no intention of altering her life or taking a chance on...
    On what? Going down to Colombia on the chance that Montalvo could do what he'd promised. Risking her life on a criminal who cared nothing for the peace she loved.
    Her telephone rang.
    Soldono. A rush of hope surged through her. Give me an out, Soldono. Tell me you've gotten Gonzales away and I've no excuse to go to Montalvo.
    No excuse but Bonnie.
    "What's happening?" she asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "Gonzales?"
    "Not yet." Soldono paused. "It's difficult. Montalvo must expect me to make that move. They're very well-guarded."
    "That's not what I wanted to hear." She paused. "How serious is he about killing the family?"
    "Too serious to discount the possibility."
    "The dossier Venable sent us didn't mention any penchant for violence." She added with frustration, "But then it mentioned damn little about anything. Doesn't anyone at the CIA know more about him?"
    "Not that I'm aware."
    "Are you telling me the truth?"
    "I don't have any reason to lie to you. But I wouldn't count on Montalvo not being violent just because it's not on his rap sheet."
    "He could have sent me Gonzales's head in that box and he sent a fake instead."
    "That could only mean he's smart enough to realize that would turn you off. He got your attention and now he still has Gonzales to bargain with. Believe me, he doesn't hesitate to kill."
    "How do you know?"
    "Because he wanted me to know." He paused. "I was invited on a hunting expedition last night. No, not invited, commanded to come along."
    "A man named Aquila. I don't know what he'd done to Montalvo but it was enough to make him so scared he took off into the jungle. Montalvo and his first lieutenant, Miguel, went after him. There wasn't any question of bringing him back alive. He was a dead man from the moment Montalvo started after him."
    "He caught up with him?"
    "After five hours of tracking. Then Montalvo went on alone to get him. He blew half his head off."
    "And then he told Miguel to bury him in the jungle and went off about his business." He paused. "And I'm sure that business was you."
    "Because Montalvo is no exhibitionist. He had a reason for making me go along. He wanted me to see him put down Aquila. He wanted me to tell you about it."
    "Because he knew I'd ask the same questions of you that I did. He wanted to let me know that he'd follow through." Lord, Montalvo was intelligent. He seemed to know what she was thinking, what she would do before she did it. "Did he do it just to make a point?"
    "No, he said it was an opportunity that presented itself."
    She shivered. "Some opportunity."
    "Well, you have your answer."
    Yes, she had her answer to everything but the question she'd first asked. "Can you get that family away without Montalvo blowing their heads off?"
    "I'm doing my best. Venable's sending help."
    "That's not good enough."
    "I know," Soldono said wearily. "Half the time the work I do isn't good enough. It's all compromises. I'm doing what I can. I'll call you when I know more." He hung up.
    She hoped when he called her it would be to give her better news, she thought with frustration. She'd been impatient with Soldono, but he'd probably been doing his job in the most efficient way possible under the circumstances. He was sitting in Montalvo's house and being constantly watched.
    It was strange but she felt as if Montalvo were also watching her. She could imagine him sitting like a panther, waiting, watching, blocking every exit before she reached it.
    She stared out at the lake. The sun had started to go down and red flames streaked the water. So much beauty. At times it took her breath away. She would

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