Star Force: Backdoor (SF53)

Star Force: Backdoor (SF53) by Anal Backdoor Page B

Book: Star Force: Backdoor (SF53) by Anal Backdoor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anal Backdoor
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got four more upstairs for you.”
    “Sweet. How’s
it handle ?”
    “Like a fat turret, but straight line speed is good.
And it can run rings around their walkers. Everything looks good, but this is
the first battle test so feel free to criticize,” she said as the Type-1
finally stopped firing and wasting its missiles now that it saw that they
weren’t getting through.
    “Show me some fireworks.”
    “Not quite in range yet,” she said as she and Jarvan lightly ran the big, backwards-canted leg mechs across
the ground with a touch of a hop in their strides. That was as much as they
could manage given their weight, but in future years Cora knew they’d work on
that and get them more speed. Right now though what they needed was a slugger
to take on the big enemy walkers…and that’s exactly what Cora had given Kip
using his basic designs and adding her own special touch.
    “Do you want the starscreams to move up with you?”
    Cora frowned. “Not yet. Let’s just see how we handle
    Jarvan tagged one of the
Type-4s that was closest to them and Cora saw the icon flash on her battlemap.
“He’s all yours,” she told him, adjusting her line a bit more to starboard and
tagging another for herself.
    The two fat madcats trotted off towards their targets
with Cora stitching hers with Sammie fire before her weapons came into range
and was pleased to see she was able to whittle its shields down some 7% with
those alone. That wasn’t something that she could have done with lachars, which
was why all Star Force anti-air was eventually going Sammie once they worked
out the conversion issues.
    Cora kept her madcat moving forward, holding off on
her primary weapons and getting within mauler range. Before she was quite there
she opened up with the four cannons on the central body of the mech and bathed
the Type-4 in mauler blasts that were spreading out and becoming impotent but
still containing some damaging effects. With each step closer she got they
became more condensed and dangerous, eating through the walker’s shields and
then the armor, with the Skarron walker going down before she even got all the
way up to it.
    The tick-like design slumped to the ground with the
front half of it melted off and its legs collapsing like toothpicks beneath it
when they lost power.
    “Well that was easy,” she said, ignoring the others
and heading straight for the more distant Type-1.
    “I’ll get the rest of the little ones,” Jarvan said, killing his a few seconds after hers.
    “Give me some support fire when you can,” she said in
agreement, focusing the primary weapons in her madcat’s two bulky arms and
aiming them at the middle segment of the lateral Type-1. She was coming in at
it from the flank…which normally would have been suicide given that all 7
segments would be able to target her with plasma.
    Before she got within plasma range she opened fire
with one of her small cleansing beams, hitting the wall-like shield that the
Skarron walker put up in between it and the mech. The beam and shield collided
and held out against each other for more than a second before the pale white
beam disappeared. When its twin in the other arm fired a moment later the
shield again reappeared with the distortion effect but breached almost
immediately on impact.
    The rest of it cut into the hull, then Cora began carving out a section of it like she was working on a giant
pumpkin…all outside the walker’s plasma range.
    Looking like it was totally outmatched the Type-1
fired off a gravity grapple, with the device hitting her mech in the left leg
and nearly knocking her over. She struggled for balance and nearly had it until
the device powered up and sucked her mech down face first into ground and held
her there.
    “Cora?” Jarvan asked.
    She tried to leverage the mech back up, but the odd
angle it had her pinned was giving her trouble.
    “A little help,” she asked.
    A cleansing beam shot out from Jarvan’s mech and

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