Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time)

Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time) by Saxon Andrew Page A

Book: Star Rover-Chosen to Die (Lens of Time) by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
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klaxons began blaring; the ship suddenly accelerated and made a sharp dive. Angel pulled her helmet visor down and jumped into her command chair, “Buckle in Admiral, we have six ships that just appeared and disrupted space around Earth.”
    Gibbs fought the gravity push and managed to get to one of the empty chairs on the bridge. “Get me a combat helmet!!”
    The jump officer reached under his console, pulled out a helmet, and tossed it to Gibbs. He activated it and heard the Executive Officer say, “All stations report in ready, Sir.” Gibbs was shocked. It took him ten seconds to manage to crawl to the chair and get a helmet. This ship was combat ready in less than fifteen seconds.
    He looked at Angel and heard her say, “I’ve got the ship. Captain Stone, you have the weapons.”
    “All are active and tracking the incoming ships, Sir.”
    Gibbs activated the visor on the helmet and saw six large ships moving in toward Earth from just outside the moon’s orbit. He saw six of the old Jukeboxes accelerate out from the moon to intercept them. The six ships began launching attack ships and the Jukeboxes started launching their Rovers. A massive dogfight broke out as the two groups of ships moved closer together.
    Gibbs looked at his tactical and saw that Arvolo’s children were moving their ships out toward the battle. “Captain, you should stop here and wait for the defense ships to handle the invaders.”
    Angel shook her head, “Sir, according to my computer, those old Jukeboxes are no match for the beams being fired by those six ships. My parents and all of Earth’s Senior Flag Officers are on Earth and we can’t allow those ships to get close enough to fire on the planet. They’ll be forced to use the planet’s force field and we have to avoid revealing that technology to them.” Gibbs stared at Angel and saw in his tactical display that three of the six Jukeboxes were burning in space. He looked at Angel and she said, “Please let me do my job!”
    Gibbs saw the determination in the young woman’s eyes and he nodded, “You are clear to attack, Captain.”
    Angel brought the nose of the Wellington down and accelerated toward the six Blue Ships roaring in toward Earth. “Arve, Grest, move out and come at that formation from the sides. I’m going in head on.” Gibbs saw the two ships flying beside the Wellington make a turn that was impossible. They moved ninety degrees away and turned back toward the incoming ships from eighty miles on each side of their formation. Angel stared at her visor and said, “They’re launching missiles, notify the crew of hard acceleration.” Captain Stone pushed a button on his panel and Gibbs saw a bright orange light on the wall start flashing. The missiles roared in and just as they arrived, Angel turned the ship vertical and flashed out from in front of them. The missiles tried to make the turn but their small motors couldn’t do it. They began turning and started moving toward the rear of the giant Jukebox. Angel turned the ship back toward the enemy formation and Gibbs forced his heart back into his chest. He almost blacked out but the screaming of the gravity compensators kept him conscious.
    Young said, “Captain, we have three hundred missiles moving in on the rear of the ship.”
    Angel nodded, “I see then and I’m going to cone shape on the force field, launch a barrage behind us. Keep their attack craft off us as well. Prepare to launch a barrage from the hull blasters when we move inside fifty miles.”
    Gibbs watched the display on his panel and saw the Jukeboxes’ force fields move and change shape. The fields became sharp points in front of the giant ships and extended down the sides. Another wave of missiles was launched from the six ships and ten of them struck the Wellington’s force field and were deflected to the side. As Gibbs watched the main wall monitor, he saw a dark colored cloud emerge in front of the three ships and move quickly away

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