Star Wars - 214 - Jedi Prince 05 - Queen of the Empire
quarters aboard the Moffship. Trioculus remained by her side, alone with the woman he loved. Leia gave Trioculus the silent treatment, as the three-eyed slavelord sat beside her cage, reminding the princess how well she had been treated the last time he had captured her-back on the Imperial Factory Barge on the planet Bespin.
    "The most powerful man in the galaxy, Master of the Dark Side and ruler of the Galactic Empire, commands that you accept his fond affection," Trioculus addressed her. "Will you renounce the Rebel Alliance and give me your hand in marriage, Princess Leia?"
    "Sorry to spoil your demented plans, Trioculus," Princess Leia replied with a sneer. "But I’ve already accepted a marriage proposal from Han Solo."
    "Han Solo!" Trioculus repeated with a grimace. "The Rebel Corellian cargo pilot? Do you think for one moment that he can offer you what I can? Will he grant you starships to command? Planets to rule?"
    "Kadann seems to think that he rules the Empire, Trioculus," Leia snapped. "The Prophets of the Dark Side say you’re a has-been. Word is out that you’re nothing but a fake and a fraud who lied about being the son of Emperor Palpatine."
    "My dispute with the Prophets of the Dark Side is none of your affair," Trioculus replied.
    "Your attitude, Princess, must really undergo a drastic change, if you ever hope to get out of that cage." The tyrant paused for a moment to think. "How would you enjoy watching Zorba the Hutt tossed into the Mouth of Sarlacc? Would it thrill you?"
    "Do with Zorba as you like," Leia said.
    "I gave my word to Zorba that I would free him," Trioculus declared. "But if you would like him dead, Leia, I would gladly make him suffer the fate he planned for you. Wouldn’t the thrill of revenge delight you?"
    "The Empire blew up my home planet of Alderaan," Leia replied, clutching the bars of her cage. "The Empire snuffs out freedom and liberty wherever it exists. They murder the brave soldiers of the Alliance, who fight to bring back the laws and justice of the Old Republic. If you’re really the ruler of the Empire as you claim, Trioculus, then you’re a thousand times more of an enemy to me than Zorba the Hutt."
    "So, you still refuse to accept me, and you continue to scorn my affection and noble intentions toward you," Trioculus said, narrowing all three of his eyes.
    "I scorn everything about you!" Leia replied. "Don’t think I’ve forgotten that you burned the rain forests of Yavin Four, Trioculus-all because you wanted to find the entrance to the Lost City of the Jedi and destroy our Jedi Prince, a mere boy!"
    "Perhaps you’d prefer that I turn you back over to Zorba then, my Princess," Trioculus said, letting his smile dissolve into a wicked sneer. "What would you have to say to that?" But Leia said nothing.
    "Your answer is yes, then? You choose to be with Zorba, rather than with me? Quickly-speak, or you shall seal your fate forever!"
    Leia knew she had to buy time. Surely Han had figured out what happened to her by now. But would SPIN send a rescue mission? Or would her own Jedi powers have to aid her somehow in finding a means to escape? Everything Leia had tried to do failed her so far-including the Jedi mind-clouding technique, which had no effect upon Trioculus at all.
    "Don’t give me over to Zorba," she said through clenched teeth.
    "So," Trioculus said smoothly, clasping his hands together, "I’m making progress with you then. You prefer my charming company to the company of that slobbering slug, Zorba." Trioculus departed, leaving Princess Leia in her golden cage. He then returned to the large chamber where stormtroopers stood guard over Zorba the Hutt. Trioculus turned to Grand Moff Hissa. "Make preparations for my wedding, Hissa," he ordered. "Find the Dark Book of Imperial Justice, and I’ll show you the passage that you’re to read at the ceremony. We’ll hold the wedding here in the Moffship, just as soon as we’ve sent Zorba the Hutt to his doom.

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