Star Wars - 214 - Jedi Prince 05 - Queen of the Empire
He’s to be swallowed by the Mouth of Sarlacc, as planned!"
    "You gave me your word, Trioculus!" Zorba stormed.
    "I only keep my word to those who have never betrayed me," Trioculus replied. "I’m surprised you didn’t know that, Zorba. In the short time you have remaining, perhaps you’ll come to regret that you froze me in carbonite." Trioculus turned to Grand Moff Dunhausen. "Tell the pilots at the command console to descend to Tatooine," he commanded.
    "Our destination is the Great Pit of Carkoon, beyond the Dune Sea." Zorba merely chortled. He then spit in Trioculus’s direction, spraying the nearby stormtroopers with the saliva of a fearless old Hutt.

    The Imperial Wedding
    In a scorched desert region on Tatooine, the Mouth of Sarlacc swallowed its latest meal-an elephantlike Bantha beast and a Tusken Raider.
    Riding the Bantha, the sand creature had come foolishly close to the edge of the Great Pit of Carkoon to satisfy his curiosity. He had heard the legends of the huge and awesome mouth at the bottom of the pit-a mouth that devoured every living creature that had the misfortune to stumble into it.
    But the Tusken Raider hadn’t planned on his Bantha stepping on a prickly cacta bush-or that his Bantha would leap to free himself from the thick thorns and tumble into the pit, headfirst.
    While the Mouth of Sarlacc gobbled its noontime meal beneath the heat of Tatooine’s blistering twin suns, the Moffship slowly descended from the sky. No one on board the Moffship observed the Millennium Falcon as it approached. The Falcon flew within a narrow zone, staying in the ship’s blind spot, undetected by the Novaldex deflector shield at the Moffship’s rear. Then the Falcon attached itself to the ship’s upper access hatch and rode piggyback.
    Inside the Moffship, the crew was busy navigating above the Dune Sea, where heat waves from the desert sand caused strong winds. The grand moffs gathered at the armored viewport-a large, round window in the floor-to look for the Great Pit of Carkoon. There was one Imperial who might have detected the Millennium Falcon-an intelligence specialist assigned to security duties at the stern of the Moffship. But he was too busy repairing damage caused by laserfire from the battle with Zorba and Tibor to notice the Alliance freighter.
    Han, Luke, Ken, and Lando, accompanied by the Human Replica Droid of Leia, popped open the upper access hatch and crawled into the Moffship totally unnoticed.
    "This is folly," See-Threepio said, waving his golden arms frantically and calling after the others in a loud whisper. "It’s suicide. You’ll never get out of the Moffship alive. And when the grand moffs find me and Artoo, they’ll deactivate us for sure and use us as spare parts for their assassin droids!"
    "Cool your circuits, Threepio," Han said over his shoulder. "The grand moffs will never catch you two droids, because you and Artoo are going to stay behind in the Falcon and wait for us. I want Artoo to fix the hum in the Carbanti 29L electromagnetic package. And while he’s doing that, I want you to give a power boost to the hyperdrive multiplier so we’ll be ready to get out of here in a hurry when we return."
    "Artoo and I will never see any of you again, I just know it," See-Threepio complained, continuing his nervous chatter. "Oh, dear. And if you must know, I strongly disagree with your decision to take the Human Replica Droid with you. What if Fugo did something wrong when he tried to fix her? What if one of you gets a laserblast to the heart like Fandar did? It’s unthinkable. Master Luke, won’t you listen to reason?"
    "You’re overruled, Threepio," Luke responded. "We know what we’re doing. Now listen to Han. You have work to do."
    The five of them continued on as the Human Replica Droid led them into a ventilation shaft.
    "You’re sure you can find Leia?" Lando Calrissian whispered to the droid.
    "Of course I’m sure," the Human Replica Droid replied. "It’s

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