Star Wars: Scourge
    “We try to keep open minds,” said Mander.
    Vago let out a snort and spoke in Huttese, holding up a hand to instruct the droid not to translate for the others. In Huttese she said, “Pity that the CSA does not follow your example. We have hit a wall dealing with them. Zonnos himself has taken over the negotiations, and hasn’t gotten much farther. In the meantime, Popara is distracted by his missing son, and the business suffers. And that makes it my worry.”
    “Hmmm,” said Mander in Basic. “You are not worried about Mika?”
    “I worry about Popara and his lineage,” said Vago, choosing her words carefully. To Mander it seemed thatthe Hutt wanted him to hear the words without going through a translator. “Benevolent Popara inspires loyalty, and hopes to make that loyalty his gift to his children. Zonnos is more typical of our species, but Mika has potential. I think that is why Popara is … concerned.”
    “You are not Anjiliac clan, are you?” asked Mander. He shot a glance at his two companions, but they were still looking at the schematics. He wondered idly if the Bothan understood Huttese.
    “No, I was spawned of the Gejalli family,” said Vago.
    “I am not familiar with that clan,” said Mander.
    “Because I am the only one in it,” said Vago, her face expressionless. “I said that Popara has survived numerous clan wars. The Gejallis were among the clans that confused openness for weakness and sought to defeat the Anjiliacs. I am the survivor.”
    Mander raised an eyebrow. “And yet you work for him?”
    Vago let out a deep sigh, and for a moment the officious mask of the majordomo slipped. “I was but a child, and by rights and tradition Popara could have ended my life. Instead he brought me in and trained me as his own. I owe him much and I want to see his true child returned to him. It is difficult to explain to an outlander.”
    “We outlanders understand more than you think,” said Mander. “One last question: Why was Mika on Endregaad in the first place?” From the corner of his eye Mander noticed the Bothan’s head come up a bit. Eddey was definitely listening now.
    Vago stiffened slightly and lowered her hand, allowing the droid to resume its translation, the air of familiarity gone once more. “Family business. One of our many holdings is Skydove Freight. The office is in Tel Bollin, the main colony on the planet. Mika was negotiatingwith geode miners. A small task, but Popara wants his children to understand the business. No one anticipated the plague … or the quarantine.”
    “Does the other son, Zonnos, do small tasks as well?” asked Mander.
    “Sometimes,” said Vago through the droid, and then allowed herself a deep chuckle. “If they are not too complicated.”
    “Will the CSA be expecting us?”
    “No. We offered aid but they turned it down,” said Vago. “They will not be expecting it this soon in any event, as a normal ship would have to go around the Spiral. They will probably have at least one ship in orbit, and knowing the CSA it’s probably an old rust bucket with limited maneuverability, but enough ordnance to start a small war.”
    “That would be expected with the Corporate Sector,” said Mander.
    “The coordinates should bring you in on the far side of the system. Prescient Vago recommends you run the blockade,” translated the H-3PO unit. “Use some of the medicine to bribe the local officials on the ground. If you need to, offer the remaining spice to the CSA by way of an apology later. The plague is truly secondary compared with the safety of an Anjiliac scion.”
    Mander nodded. Popara may be described as benevolent, wise, and kindly, but the fate of a world would not matter next to Mika.
    “The Anjiliac family leaves such matters to your discretion,” spoke the droid. “And you will need to be vaccinated, of course. Vago will summon a medical droid. If you need anything else, this unit will see to your needs.” Not waiting

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