Star Wars: Scourge
of the Endregaadi has touched beneficent Popara’s heart, and he wishes to make a gift of medicinal spice to the world. The CSA will have nothing to do with dealing with Hutts, and Popara regrets that their lack of appreciation may cause greater suffering. You will be provided a ship carrying the spice with the coordinates already locked into the computer.”
    Mander shot Reen a look at the mention of spice, and the spacer’s eyes were wide. She started to say something, but was drowned out by the return of the Wookiee from the lift tube, the huge creature bearing a keg of ale underneath each burly arm and shouting a welcoming cry. The other Wookiees in the smaller Hutt’s alcove responded in kind, and Mander took the opportunity to touch Reen on the shoulder and shake his head. The factotum Vago might tolerate such an interruption, the shake said, but it would be unlikely that Popara would, despite his stated benevolence.
    For his part, the older Hutt unleashed a caustic tirade of abusive gutturals at the Wookiees and the younger Hutt. While the Twi’lek did not translate any of the exchange, Mander did not need to know Huttese to understand a parent berating a misbehaving child. The younger Hutt looked wounded, and he and the Wookiees settled into muttering, the new returnee pointing at Eddey in particular.
    Addressing the Twi’lek, Mander said, “On behalf ofthe Jedi and all caring and concerned peoples of the galaxy, we thank Popara for his generosity, but question his interest in but one planet, and inquire if there is not something else he needs us to be aware of.”
    The Twi’lek took a short, insulted intake of breath, but the ancient Hutt let out a deep sigh and spoke in a low tone to his translator, who then addressed Mander. “Mighty Popara has seen two of his spawn grow to maturity. Zonnos, here, is the elder of the two.” She made an almost imperceptible head-nod toward the Hutt and his Wookiee entourage. “His youngest child is Mika. Mika Anjiliac was on Endregaad when the plague hit, and the CSA interdicted the world. There has been no word of him since then, and Popara, a caring parent, is concerned. The child is … impetuous.”
    Mander nodded and said, “I understand his concern for one of a younger generation. We will be glad to see delivery of the medical supplies and determine what happened to your son.”
    “We keep the ship,” Reen interrupted.
    Mander shot her a sudden, shocked look, but the older Hutt merely chortled. “Of course,” said the Twi’lek. “When gracious Popara expanded the deal, he meant to expand both the risk and the reward. The ship will be more than sufficient payment for this favor.”
    Popara the Hutt shifted forward on his cushions, his great girth hanging over the sides, towering over Mander and the others like an avalanche of flesh. His eyes softened, and for a moment he looked very, very old and alone. In a quiet voice, he said, in Basic, “Bring me back my son.” Then he settled back, and it was as if the moment had not happened. He was no longer a concerned father, merely a Hutt employer. Two of the robed Twi’leks dabbed at him with scented fluids, and the third asked, “Are you amenable to this addendum?”
    “We will do our best,” said Mander.
    “Vago Gejalli will see to your needs,” said the Twi’lek, and the great Hutt closed his eyes to mere slits—a sign that the audience was at an end.
    “Bargon u noa-a-uyat,”
Popara said, by way of benediction: You will be rewarded.
    “Your thanks, the coordinates, and the ship are reward enough,” said Mander. He turned, leading the two others through the muskwood doors.
    In the hallway, the H-3PO unit directed them down to a meeting room. Reen leaned in close to Mander and said, “I told you that you need to drive a hard bargain with the Hutts.”
    “And I told
,” said Mander, “to let me do the talking.”
    The briefing room was better lit but equally sumptuous, with raised ramps along

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