
Starbright by Alexandra Richland Page B

Book: Starbright by Alexandra Richland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Richland
Tags: Fiction
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returning home? It didn’t look like it would stop any time soon, though…
    As Beth turned to leave, she heard the lock disengage. The front door opened wide. Aidan stood in the entryway, his eyes dilating with the shock that electrified his handsome features. But it wasn’t his face that Beth focused on.
    Because Aidan was shirtless.
    And wet.
    And wearing only a towel.
    Now, Beth knew Aidan was in fine physical shape, but she was completely unprepared for her first view of him in the flesh. Suddenly, the idea of an Adonis on Earth, as described in Connie’s romance novel, didn’t seem farfetched at all.
    Aidan’s smooth skin glistened with the droplets of water that beaded as they slipped between his bulging pectorals and down his rippled stomach. A faint dusting of light brown hair trailed from his bellybutton and disappeared below the thin white towel wound around his hips—very, very low on his hips.
    Beth shivered from the cool breeze and rain, but parts of her burned. Her fingers twitched at the thought of exploring his body with her touch, bathing in the water that collected on his skin, drifting her hand down his sculpted chest to his abdomen…
    Thunder exploded in competition with the sound of her frantic heartbeat and the rain pounding the steaming sidewalks and asphalt. Beth jolted from her trance, suddenly aware of her drenched appearance: how her hair plastered to her head and her dress clung to her like swimwear instead of respectable evening attire. Most embarrassingly, how she was ogling her beau in the same manner Betsy ogled Fabio in the book.
    But she wasn’t the only one staring.
    Aidan’s eyes traveled up her body, pausing noticeably on her breasts before coming to rest on her face. His throat constricted with a hard swallow, his smoldering gaze outshining the lightning that blasted across the sky like fireworks.
    Beth worried she’d arrived at the wrong time, although she couldn’t say she regretted it. With Aidan standing half-naked before her, she didn’t need the sweet taste of apple pie. She already had her own slice of heaven.

    One moment, Aidan was stepping out of the shower and toweling off. The next, he was opening the front door and coming face to face with Beth. A very, very wet Beth. The proper response of saying hello and inviting her inside washed from his mind like rainwater down a street gutter. He could only stare.
    Beth’s chestnut hair fell straight alongside her large brown eyes and full red lips, over her shoulders to just above her breasts. Her nipples were taut beneath her cream-colored dress, which, given the circumstances, left little to the imagination. Aidan hardened under his towel. The flimsy material probably didn’t leave much to her imagination, either.
    “I—I apologize for showing up unexpectedly,” she said through chattering teeth. She extended the covered item she held in her hands, regarding him sheepishly. “I, um, brought you an apple pie.”
    Aidan’s eyes dropped to the pie and remained there until he overcame the initial shock of her arrival. Then he ushered her inside and closed the door.
    “What are you doing here?” He wrapped his arms around her and was startled by how cold she felt. “You should’ve waited for me at your place. It’s raining!”
    Beth gave him a small smile. “I know.”
    As Aidan looked her over again, his most pressing concerns were that her lips had a blue hue to them and she wouldn’t stop shaking. He rubbed his hands along her back vigorously, trying to heat her up. It didn’t work. He pressed his warm mouth to hers but was met by stubbornly cold lips. The only solution was to get her dry.
    Aidan brought her into the living room and sat her down on the couch.
    “Stay here,” he said. “I’m going to grab a blanket.”
    He rushed into his bedroom, rooted through the boxes he had yet to unpack, and found a pair of worn black jeans, a white T-shirt, black briefs, and a fleece

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